
Group repository for #wecode #hackathon MOAR EVERYTHING! team

Primary LanguageJavaScriptCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


Use this readme to get started exploring the EMPOWERMEME site. This was a group project to celebrate and inspire diversity from the #wecode #hackathon sponsored by Puppet Labs and Nike

About the app

This is a single-page web app to serve images of animals and inspirational captions. The images for the node app are stored in static/, while the captions are stored in node-data.txt, and are served up by Node.js.

Required tools

These tools are required to display the web app.

  • Modern web browser
  • Command line interface
    • Mac OS X: Terminal
    • Windows: DOS command line or git-bash
    • Linux: Terminal
  • Node.js


Once you have all prerequisites installed, open your CLI and navigate to the project folder.

To install the app, type npm install and press return. You should see several packages and dependencies being installed.

To start the app, type node app.js

Keep your command line open, and open a new tab in your web browser. In the URL bar, type http://localhost:8889/static/index.html

When the page loads, it will show a random image and its inspirational caption.


Group repository for #wecode #hackathon MOAR EVERYTHING! team