
Desktop app with the main goal to simplify audio samples search over the internet sources.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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Samplescope is app to search audio samples over internet


There are 2 main stimulus for this app:

  • Give a user a simple (quick and easy) way to search over online samples
  • Research the field of available online audio resources


TBA: Description followed open source project on github


To run app in development env you need create file .env based on .env.example in projects' root folder. This file need to be updated with correct credentials. Specifically, credentials required to access Freesound.org (called FREESOUND_API_KEY_DEV). It can be generated on Freesound API page. Other credentials are optional (most likely)


Some script commands uses cross-env to ensure to set and use environment variables across platforms.

Command Description
start Start app in DEV mode
start:watch Same and watch for changes
make Compile ready-to-use app
package Compile app (not distributable, use make)
publish make, notarize and publish to GitHub
lint Lint app
lint:app Lint app w/ electron-forge
test Run tests

Details on Electron Forge docs for CLI


The config could be found in forge.config.

macOS: APPLE_ID & APPLE_ID_PASSWORD tokens needs to be added to .env file. All notarization works done by src/hooks/notarize hook on publish cmd.

Windows: Code-sign certificate need to be placed within private/ folder.

The rest of the work for both platforms done automatically on npm run publish cmd.


This command will attempt to make the forge application and then publish it to the publish targets defined in forge.config.

It will post to (or create if not exist) Github's Draft Releases with name of last version. You need to run publish on each platform you want to support, so Samplescope-X.X.X.Setup.exe will be made on posted from Win and Samplescope-darwin-x64-X.X.X.zip on MacOS.

Private Keys

There are some 3rd-party API related credentials, Github token, Apple passwords and other sensative private credentials required to run, package, deploy this app. This credentials should not be published to repository for security reasons, and should be added manually by developer. Specifically:

  • add new .env file. There is .env.example with example of required keys
  • add ./private folder
  • add ./private/GH_TOKEN.txt file with GitHub token
  • add ./private/AppleIdPassword.txt file with generated Apple Id Password