
X-Carve Instructions

Primary LanguageHTML

[X-Carve Instructions] (http://x-carve-instructions.inventables.com/)

This is the official documentation for assembling [X-Carve] (https://www.inventables.com/technologies/x-carve/), a 3D carving kit from [Inventables] (https://www.inventables.com/). Like X-Carve itself, these instructions are open-source.

If you have experience with Github, feel free to fork this branch and submit a pull request. The instructions are built using [Jekyll] (http://jekyllrb.com/) and are formatted using [Textile] (http://redcloth.org/textile) (with some HTML mixed in).

It's also possible to suggest changes through Github itself. Each step of the instructions is generated from a file named index.textile, contained inside the folder for that step (eg step02/index.textile). The one exception is the file for the first step, which is index.textile inside the main x-carve-instructions folder.

Find the index.textile file for the step you'd like to edit, and click the pencil icon in the top right. This will let you fork a branch and make changes right in the browser. You can then submit a pull request to have your changes reviewed and integrated. [Learn more about pull requests here] (https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests).

If you prefer, you can also submit a Github issue using the menu to the right:

Github issues!

Local Installation

Setting up the site on your local machine:

  1. $ gem install bundler - Install bundler ruby gem
  2. $ git clone https://github.com/inventables/x-carve-instructions.git - Clone project
  3. $ cd x-carve-instructions - Switch to project directory
  4. $ bundle install - Install the necessary gems
  5. $ bundle exec jekyll serve - Serve site locally using Jekyll
  6. go to http://localhost:4000