
Simple gridsome source plugin to fetch google calendar data

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About this source plugin

Simple gridsome source plugin to fetch google calendar data


Until we have published the package to npm, please add this line in the dependencies.

"@jammeryhq/gridsome-source-google-calendar" : "github:jammeryhq/gridsome-source-google-calendar"



module.exports = {
  siteName: 'Gridsome',
  plugins: [
      use: '@jammeryhq/gridsome-source-google-calendar',
      options: {
        calendarId: '...',
        apiKey: '...',
        typeName: 'RacingCalendar'

How to get an API Key?

This plugin requires an API Key to fetch the data from the defined google calendar.

Check out the following link to learn how to generate an API Key:


How to get the Calender ID?

  1. Open the Google Calender: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/r?tab=rc
  2. Open the Settings for the calender which should be used as source
  3. Move to section "Integrate calendar"
  4. Copy the value which is shown at "Calendar-ID"


Property Type Required Default Description
typeName String Yes GoogleCalendar Name of the GraphQL Collection
calendarId String Yes XXX@@group.calendar.google.com The Calendar identifier
apiKey String Yes AIzaSXXXXX3TC5ewuBYXXX0wEsH The API Key
includeRaw Boolean No false Adds a new field _raw with the complete API Response
includeRecurringEvents Boolean No false Whether to expand recurring events into instances and only return single one-off events and instances of recurring events, but not the underlying recurring events themselves.
apiParams Object No {} Allows you to define custom api parameters

API Parameter

You can find the list of the allowed apiParams here: https://developers.google.com/calendar/v3/reference/events/list#parameters

The following parameters are excluded and can't be set via the apiParams:

  • calendarId
  • singleEvents ( use property includeRecurringEvents to set the value )
  • pageToken


User can choose a date to filter the result

In this simple example, we're fetching all events and filtering the data based on the choosen date from the user.


Available GraphQL fields

Fieldname Type
id ID!
summary String
description String
created Date
updated Date
allDay Boolean
start GoogleCalendar_Start
start.date Date
start.timeZone String
start.timestamp Int
end GoogleCalendar_End
start.date Date
start.timeZone String
start.timestamp Int
_raw GoogleCalendar_Raw

_raw is only available, if you set includeRaw to true in the gridsome.config.js. It includes the whole event object which we got from the google calendar api.


This package is inspired by the following gatsby source plugin: https://github.com/msigwart/gatsby-source-google-calendar