
An interview take-home assignment

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hotel Bookings Problem

A simple hotel booking system keeps track of the rooms in a hotel. A guest can book a room for individual nights and the booking system maintains the state of these bookings.

  • Guests are identified by their surname which, for the purposes of this exercise, can be considered unique.
  • Rooms are identified by a unique number taken from an arbitrary, potentially nonsequential set of numbers. For example, a hotel might have four rooms {101, 102, 201, 203}.
  • There is no need to implement an API for this problem, data can be hardcoded on the client side, but the solution should mimic real API calls (meaning getting data should be an asynchronous side effect)
  • The task is supposed to be implemented as SPA using react - redux stack.

Page 1

Add Booking page provides the functionality for users to book a room.


Page 2

Check Booking page provides the functionality for users to check if a room is available for booking. If it’s available then check mark appears, if it’s not then х mark gets shown.
