
Workload Automation System

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Circle CI

Travis CI

Please check digdag.io and docs.digdag.io for installation & user manual.



  • JDK 8
  • Node.js 8.x

Installing Node.js using nodebrew:

$ curl -L git.io/nodebrew | perl - setup
$ echo 'export PATH=$HOME/.nodebrew/current/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc
$ source ~/.bashrc
$ nodebrew install-binary v8.x
$ nodebrew use v8.x

Installing Node.js using Homebrew on Mac OS X:

$ brew install node
  • Python 3
    • sphinx
    • sphinx_rtd_theme
    • recommonmark

Check Digdag REST API

Use --enable-swagger option to check the current Digdag REST API.

$ ./gradlew cli
$ ./pkg/digdag-<current version>.jar server --memory --enable-swagger # Run server with --enable-swagger option

$ docker run -dp 8080:8080 swaggerapi/swagger-ui # Run Swagger-UI on different console
$ open http://localhost:8080/?url=http://localhost:65432/api/swagger.json # Open api/swagger.json on Swagger-UI

Running tests

$ ./gradlew check

Test coverage report is generated at didgag-*/build/reports/jacoco/test/html/index.html. Findbugs report is generated at digdag-*/build/reports/findbugs/main.html.

$ CI_ACCEPTANCE_TEST=true ./gradlew digdag-tests:test --info --tests acceptance.BuiltInVariablesIT

To execute tests in digdag-tests subproject locally, tests option that is provided by Gradle is useful. Environment variable CI_ACCEPTANCE_TEST=true is needed to execute digdag-tests only.

Testing with PostgreSQL

Test uses in-memory H2 database by default. To use PostgreSQL, set following environment variables:

$ export DIGDAG_TEST_POSTGRESQL="$(cat config/test_postgresql.properties)"

Building CLI executables

$ ./gradlew cli
$ ./gradlew cli -PwithoutUi  # build without integrated UI

(If the command fails during building UI due to errors from node command, you can try to add -PwithoutUi argument to exclude the UI from the package).

It makes an executable in pkg/, e.g. pkg/digdag-$VERSION.jar.

Releasing a new version

You need to set Bintray user name and API key in BINTRAY_USER and BINTRAY_KEY environment variables.

  1. run git pull origin --tags.
  2. run ./gradlew setVersion -Pto=<version> command.
  3. write release notes to releases/release-<version>.rst file. It must include at least version (the first line) and release date (the last line).
  4. run ./gradlew clean cli site check releaseCheck.
  5. if it succeeded, run ./gradlew release.

If major version is incremented, also update version = and release = at digdag-docs/src/conf.py.

Releasing a SNAPSHOT version

./gradlew releaseSnapshot

Develop digdag-ui

Node.js development server is useful because it reloads changes of digdag-ui source code automatically.

First, put following lines to ~/.config/digdag/config and start digdag server:

server.http.headers.access-control-allow-origin = http://localhost:9000
server.http.headers.access-control-allow-headers = origin, content-type, accept, authorization, x-td-account-override, x-xsrf-token, cookie
server.http.headers.access-control-allow-credentials = true
server.http.headers.access-control-allow-methods = GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS, HEAD
server.http.headers.access-control-max-age = 1209600

Then, start digdag-ui development server:

$ cd digdag-ui/
$ npm install
$ npm run dev    # starts dev server on http://localhost:9000/

Updating documents

Documents are in digdag-docs/src directory. They're built using Sphinx.

Website is hosted on www.digdag.io using Github Pages. Pages are built using deployment step of circle.yml and automatically pushed to gh-pages branch of digdag-docs repository.

To build the pages and check them locally, run following command:

$ ./gradlew site

This might not always update all necessary files (Sphinx doesn't manage update dependencies well). In this case, run ./gradlew clean first.

It builds index.html at digdag-docs/build/html/index.html.

Release Notes

The list of release note is here.

Development on IDEs

IntelliJ IDEA

Digdag is using a Java annotation processor org.immutables:value. The combination of Java annotation processing and Gradle on IntelliJ IDEA sometimes introduces some troubles. In Digdag's case, you may run into some compile errors like cannot find symbol: class ImmutableRestWorkflowDefinitionCollection. So we'd recommend the followings to avoid those compile errors if you want to develop Digdag one the IDE.

  1. There's an important configuration option to be enabled to fully have IntelliJ be fully integrated with an existing gradle build configuration: Delegate IDE build/run actions to gradle needs to be enabled.