
Personal Dictionary

A web-based word list to track new words, how they are pronounced, and give them simple definitions.


I am dyslexic and I read by sight-word recognition. This causes reading to be very difficult especially when there are lot of words that I may not have seen written down before. In a Psychoeducational Assessment Report, from when I first started university, there was a recommendation that I create a dictionary of new words.

Julie Anne is encouraged to start a dictionary of new words. Whenever she encounters a word that she does not know she should add it to this dictionary. She should then develop a definition of this word and use it repeatedly until it has been mastered. Once the word is mastered it can be removed from the dictionary as it will now be part of her regular vocabulary.

Over the years I have looked for an approach or software that would help me achieve this goal, to no success. Now with my software development skills, I thought this would be a fun coding project that is more useful then trying to create a blog platform or todo app.



Tech Stack

  • MongoDB Atlast
  • Python
  • Tornado
  • Bootstrap