This component provides details of a specified Jet2 booking and adds sensors to Home Assistant which can be used in your own automations.
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Installation through HACS
There is an active PR to get this into HACS, once that is merged then you can install the Jet2 integration by searching for it there in HA instance.
Until then you will have to add this repository manually:
Go to HACS -> 3 dot menu -> Custom Repositories:-
into Repository field and select Integration
Now you should be able to find it in HACS as normal.
You can install the Jet2 integration by searching for it there in HA instance.
Use this route only if you do not want to use HACS and love the pain of manually installing regular updates.
- Add the
folder in yourcustom_components
Each entry requires a booking reference
, date of birth
and surname
. These will be the same you use to view your booking on the Jet2 website.
Contirbutions are welcome from everyone! By contributing to this project, you help improve it and make it more useful for the community. Here's how you can get involved:
- Report Bugs: If you encounter a bug, please open an issue with details about the problem and how to reproduce it.
- Suggest Features: Have an idea for a new feature? I'd love to hear about it! Please open an issue to discuss it.
- Submit Pull Requests: If you'd like to contribute code:
- Fork the repository and create your branch from
. - Make your changes in the new branch.
- Open a pull request with a clear description of what you’ve done.
- Fork the repository and create your branch from
The integration will either create a new calendar or add events to an existing calendar for every instance that will have any flights and check-in open time, as well as payment due date and the booking expiration date. the booking expiration date is used as a marker for removing entities from HA. once the expiration date is within an hour of the current (HA's) time it will remove all entities for that booking. There is also a camera that will stream accommodation images when they are available. Additionally the following information is also made available to HA:
- departure
- region
- area
- resort
- make
- numberOfPassengers
- numberOfAdults
- numberOfChildren
- numberOfInfants
- reservedSeats
- numberOfInclusiveBags
- numberOfAdditionalBags
- insurance
- bookedMeals
- bookingReference
- holidayType
- priceBreakdown
- total
- amountPaid
- paymentDateDue
- paidInFull
- balance
- travelEssentials
- hotel
- name
- rooms
- description
- quantity
- board
- description
- flightSummary
- outbound / inbound
- departureAirport
- code
- name
- displayName
- arrivalAirport
- code
- name
- displayName
- localDepartureDateTime
- localArrivalDateTime
- departureDateTimeUtc
- arrivalDateTimeUtc
- number
- departureTerminal
- name
- arrivalTerminal
- name
- duration
- hours
- minutes
- flightStatusId
- passengers
- id
- passengerNameReference
- seatNumber
- sequenceNumber
- checkedIn
- departureAirport
- outbound / inbound
- transferSummary
- transferTypeId
- transferTypeNameCode
- isIncluded
- carHireSummaries
- numberOfFreeChildPlaces
- numberOfFreeInfantPlaces
- holidaySummaries
- passenger
- id
- title
- firstName
- lastName
- personType
- personTypeCode
- luggage
- luggageType
- luggageTypeCode
- quantity
- ancillaries
- excursions
- passenger
- holidayDuration
- checkInStatus
- checkInDate
- checkInAllowed
- outboundFlight / inboundFlight
- flightCheckInState
- flightCheckInStateCode
- checkedIn
- checkedInCode
- scheduleChangeInfo
- accommodationExtrasSummaries
- expiryDate
- tradeAgentDetails
- hasResortFlightCheckIn
- isTradeBooking
- accommodationImages