
This is the freaking awesome Jampp Tech Blog!

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

Jampp Framework


  • NodeJs 4.1+
  • NPM 3.3+
  • Bower 1.6+
  • Gulpjs 3.9+
  • Ruby 2.x
  • Jekyll 3

Environment Setup

bundle install & npm install & bower install

Writing a new post

  1. Create a new branch
  2. Add a yaml file in /_src/_posts with the post content
  3. Create the pull request
  4. Once the PR is approved, it'll be deployed in stage (geeks-preview.jampp.com)
  5. Once you review the post, deploy with the Jenkins job (blog_geeks_release). If you don't have access to Jenkins, ask for help to the DevOps team.

Gulp Tasks

Default (watch)

gulp will watch for assets and fire up the local server for development.


gulp publish will watch for assets and fire up the local server for production.


gulp ready generates a production-ready version of the site at /build/production.


Make sure GraphicsMagick or ImageMagick are installed on your system and properly set up in your PATH.

apt-get install imagemagick
apt-get install graphicsmagick


brew install imagemagick
brew install graphicsmagick


Add new authors on authors.yml located at _src/data/

The default path of author images is _src/_assets/images/authors

Top Navbar

In order to change the order, path o location of the navigation bar you must edit nav.yml located at _src/data/

To have a structure like site/slug we need to create a folder named according to nav.yml data. Inside that folder you need to add an index.html with this data:

layout: category
title:  Your New Category - Jampp
type: your-new-category

## Writing a post

You can pass several options per post.

### YAML Front Matter

    layout: post
    title: Front-End is new Black
    date: 2015-12-12
    tag: frontend
      - jampp
      feature: clock.png
    keywords: "key1, key2, key3"
    description: Short description of my post.
    author: alexis

- `layout` Always use post
- `title` The page title
- `date` The page date
- `tag` Unique value, can be: `data-infrastructure, data-science, front-end, infrastructure, open-source, python, technology`
- `categories` and array of categories
- `image feature` A featured image, must be 640x480 or higher. Place those images at `_src/_assets/images/featured-images-posts`
- `keywords` An array of related keywords for SEO purposes. Optional
- `description` Post description for SEO purposes. Optional


Youtube video

Add na video with this helper:

{% youtube ID WITH HEIGHT %}

WITH HEIGHT are optional here


By default this theme will truncate your content by 40 lines. If you need to add a custom Excerpt just past:

  My custom Excerpt


{% blockquote CITRE TEXT %}
{% endblockquote %}

References and URls These are set as: [MY_WORD][MY_REFERENCE] and then we can set the referrenced content at the bottom ie. [MY_REFERENCE]: http:my_url.com

Math latex-type Equations Regular equations synthax can be used as $$f(x)$$ and $f(x)$ for same-line equations. Also \[ e(x)\] works.

Inserting Images They can be inserted as ![ IMAGE_SCREEN_NAME ]({{ site.url }}/PATH/TO/IMG.png "HERE GOES ALT-TEXT"){: .center-image }

Fake Comments If you want to comment text in the post source files you can abuse broken links with [//]: # (your comment in here. Be sure not to escape internal bracket chars)

Shipping to production

Change the values on confg-build.yml and run gulp ready to compile, lint and optimize assets. Push it!