
Primary LanguageJavaScript


an api which uses to compare the cost of insurance and find insurance that cover each symptoms of user.


for getting all health insurance.

 GET /health   

for getting all disease.

GET /disease 

for getting all company.

GET /company 

for getting health insurance with expected insurance company.

POST /company/search

with Json request { 'company' : 'xx' }

for getting health insurance with expected age coverage and premium rate.

POST /health/cost

with Json request { 'age' : xx, 'rate' : yy }

for getting health insurance with expected age coverage and premium rate order from minimum premium rate.

POST /health/cost/min

with Json request { 'age' : xx, 'rate' : yy }

for getting health insurance with expected age coverage and premium rate order from minimum cover expense.

POST /health/cost/min/coverexpense

with Json request { 'age' : xx, 'rate' : yy }

for getting health insurance with expected age coverage, premium rate and coverage symptoms.

POST /health/disease

with Json request { 'age' : xx, 'rate' : yy, 'disease' : 'zzz' }

for getting health insurance with expected age coverage, premium rate and coverage symptoms order from minimum premium rate.

POST /health/disease/min

with Json request { 'age' : xx, 'rate' : yy, 'disease' : 'zzz' }

for getting health insurance with expected age coverage, premium rate and coverage symptoms order from minimum cover expense.

POST /health/disease/min/coverexpense

with Json request { 'age' : xx, 'rate' : yy, 'disease' : 'zzz' }

user site

for getting all user.

GET /user

for add user details.

POST /user/addinsurance
with Json request { 'id' : xxx, 'name' : 'yyy', 'birthdate' : 'yyyy-mm-dd', 'program' : 'zzz', 'company' : 'kkk'}

for add user account.

POST /user/newuser
with Json request { 'id' : xxx, 'name' : 'yyy', 'password' : 'zzz', 'birthdate' : 'yyyy-mm-dd' }

for getting each user insurance with match id.

POST /user/details
with Json request { 'id' : xxx }

for getting each user insurance with match id and disease.

POST /user/details/disease
with Json request { 'id' : xxx, 'disease' : 'yyy' }

for getting all user account.

GET /user/allaccount

for add history of user with their usage insurance.

POST /user/add/history
with Json request { 'id' : xxx, 'name' : 'yyy', 'age' : aa, 'company' : 'ccc', 'program' : 'ppp', 'disease' : 'ddd', 'covered_expense' : eee, 'payment' : mmm }

for getting history of usage insurance.

GET /user/all/history

for getting user usage history.

POST /user/id/history
with Json request { 'id' : xxx }

for getting insurance company logo.

GET /user/logo