
Emacs helpers for working with django projects

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp


This package is used for managing work between multiple Django projects. It assumes the use of docker-compose (with a docker-compose.yml file in the project root), or the Django development server (with a .env file in the project root, containing a DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE entry). The project root must be defined in $VIRTUAL_ENV_DIR/.project. The typical way to create a compatible virtual environment is with the Python virtualenvwrapper package, for example:

$ mkvirtualenv -a /path/to/project/root my-virtual-env

When a project is “active”, it will have one running server process, one shell process, and the virtual environment will have been activated using virtualenvwrapper’s venv-workon.

To activate a project, call prodji. You will be prompted for the virtual environment name. Calling prodji with an environment active will tear down that projects processes before activating the new project. Some other functions are provided:

  • prodji-restart-server (restart the running server process)
  • prodji-killall (kill running processes, kill buffers with files under project root)
  • prodji-run-django-command (run a Django management command in the shell process)
  • prodji-goto-server (jump to the server buffer)
  • prodji-goto-shell (jump to the shell buffer)