Eleventy Plugin - Avatars

Converts an email or any unique identifier into an SVG avatars using: https://github.com/DiceBear/avatars


npm install @jamshop/eleventy-plugin-avatar


In config:

const pluginAvatars = require("@jamshop/eleventy-plugin-avatars");

module.exports = (eleventyConfig) => {
  eleventyConfig.addPlugin(pluginAvatars, options);
  // and the rest of your config

Options can be set for each of the sprite types using the following keys:

{ avataaars: { ...options }, bottts: { ...options }, female: { ...options }, gridy: { ...options }, human: { ...options }, identicon: { ...options }, initials: { ...options }, jdenticon: { ...options }, male: { ...options }, }

See https://avatars.dicebear.com/styles/avataaars#options for examples of options available to the avataaars sprite package.

In templates:

<div class="grid">
  {{ "MikeRiethmuller" | avataaarsAvatar | safe }}
  {{ "MikeRiethmuller" | botttsAvatar | safe }}
  {{ "MikeRiethmuller" | femaleAvatar | safe }}
  {{ "MikeRiethmuller" | gridyAvatar | safe }}
  {{ "MikeRiethmuller" | humanAvatar | safe }}
  {{ "MikeRiethmuller" | identiconAvatar | safe }}
  {{ "MikeRiethmuller" | jdenticonAvatar | safe }}
  {{ "MikeRiethmuller" | maleAvatar | safe }}
  {{ "MikeRiethmuller" | avatar | safe }}

A default sprite package can be selected with the default option, e.g. {default: "avataaars" }. This will allow you to use the avatar filter:

  {{ "MikeRiethmuller" | avatar | safe }}

(avataaars is the default for the avatar filter)

Also included are gravatar, githubAvatar and twitterAvatar options. These work a little differently in that they provide an image src. The value should match username for the platform.


<img src="{{ "mike@madebymike.com.au" | gravatar }}"/>
<img src="{{ "MadeByMike" | githubAvatar }}">
<img src="{{ "MikeRiethmuller" | twitterAvatar }}">

Github allows a size option however the maximum size is 460:

  github: { size: 200 }

Gravatar options can be seen here: https://github.com/emerleite/node-gravatar#readme

  gravatar: { ...options }

Twiter does not provide an official API or any customisation options.