
A little spellcasting never hurt anybody.

⚠️ Currently this is for my personal use. If you can figure out how to use this in its current state with no docs have fun. ⚠️

‼️ This is also synced from a private monorepo via a github action. I have no idea how PR's will work and you may or may not have your changes credited, but who cares about the credit right?? 😓 If you make a PR I will try to pull it into my monorepo in a way that credits you but no promises.

Getting Started


The content lives in the mdx folder, because all the content is mdx. This allows anyone familiar with markdown to create simple pages, and developers to create more complex ones. The frontmatter in the content drives the layout of the page and can be extended to do more, like select what components are available to use in the mdx.

Clever use of the layout key in frontmatter and leverageing the full power of mdx will allow you to do some fairly complex pages while keeping your content almost if not entirely in plain markdown. For example the remark-mdx-toc component for example will allow you to add mdx driven table of contents to your pages, with components you can swap out in the TableOfContents map located in components/mdx-components.js


The index page is special, as it is handled by pages/index.js where as other pages are processed in pages/[...slug].js. The frontmatter has a layout field that is used to pick a layout from the layout map located in components/layout. You can learn more on layouts here. You can create


Layouts are simple to define, in a way that hopefully still provides a lot of flexibility.

Start by adding an entry in the Layout object located in components/Layout you may be able to style it with tailwind and call it a day. If you need more styles you should make a layout class in an scss file located at styles/layouts and import it in the index.scss file located in the same directory. I suggest you name your layout something like layout--whatever so that you can write rules you are confident wont conflict with anything.

While I prefer to style components a variety of ways (currently with tailwind). I find that writing css traditionally is ideal for defining a page layout. This is why plugins add class names to elements to be styled naturally via the cascade with a layout.

Navigation and Footer

The links, ctas, and logo in the navigation and footer are managed in the navigation.js file.

Font and surrounding Utilities

Need some cool fonts? Check out Open Foundry or velvetyne

If you want to replace the font put a new font in public/fonts and import it in styles/fonts. You will also need to add it to the tailwind config, and overwrite sans or serif if you want.

There is a script located at social/social-base64.sh that allows you to transform files located at social-font.otf and social-image.png if your files have different extensions simply modify lines 3 and 4.

Be sure to run chmod 755 social/social-base64.sh so that you can use the script to transform your assets to base64 and export them from the index.js file.