
Async React/Redux Authentication library for Django Rest Framework Token Authentication

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Django Rest Framework Authentication for React and Redux

Build Status

Provides actions, reducers, and components to authenticate with django using Django Rest Framework's Token Authentication

Demo Available


npm install --save drf-redux-auth


Setup should be simple. Just add the reducers where you combineReducers:

import { authReducer } from "drf-redux-auth";

const rootReducer = combineReducers({
  auth: authReducer,

and provide your actions to your components in your containers:

import { loginUser, logoutUser } from "drf-redux-auth";


const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({
  logout: () => dispatch(logoutUser()),
  login: creds => dispatch(loginUser(creds)),

Note: this currently relies on an environment variable, REACT_APP_AUTH_URL for the DRF URL for now.

State Shape

The state provided by this libary is the following:

    isAuthenticated: <bool>,
    isFetching: <bool>,

The token and username are also stored in localStorage to persist auth status past reload.


Two extremely basic components are available:

import { AuthStatus, Login } from "drf-redux-auth";

You'll want to write your own, but they're useful for reference. Another reference component can be seen in the demo.

Django Rest Framework

Enabling token auth is easy. Just add to INSTALLED_APPS:


and update your urls.py:

from rest_framework.authtoken.views import obtain_auth_token
urlpatterns = [
    path('api/token-auth/', obtain_auth_token),


Implementation Design

Packaging Decisions