
Webdriverio with Typescript and BDD boilerplate project.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

WebdriverIO TypeScript BDD Framework

Youtube Learning project Click here to watch videos


NodeJs Java VSCode

Getting Started

Clone Repository

1. Fork this repository
1. git clone https://github.com/<yourgitusername>/WebdriverIOTSFramework.git
2. Navigate to WebdriverIOTSFramework

Install the dependencies:

npm install (it will create node_modules folder in root project and download all required dependencies)

Run tests:

npm test (all test)
npm test -- --spec ./features/<featurefilename>.feature   (run specific test)

Key Features

- Cucumber BDD framework
- Page Object Design pattern
- SuperTest API Integration
- Multi envrionment support
- Allure Report
- Custome file download folder
- File/Folder utilities
- Assertion utilites
- Steps Logging mechanism

Sample Report
