
Trace-based simulation of cache misses for Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication kernels.

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


The code in this repository is used to perform trace-based simulations of cache misses for parallel computations with irregular memory access patterns. Primarily, we consider a few different Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication (SpMV) kernels for different sparse matrix storage formats. These formats include coordinate (COO), compressed sparse row (CSR), and ELLPACK.

Based on a few, reasonable assumptions, we estimate the number of cache misses incurred by each thread in a parallel computation with irregular memory access patterns. This is achieved by simulating the behaviour of a memory hierarchy which may consist of both private and shared caches.

Table of contents



In addition, Google Test (https://github.com/google/googletest) is required to build and run the unit tests. Set the environment variable GTEST_ROOT to point to the Google Test directory.

Tested on Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.18.0-20-generic x86_64).


To build, simply run make. To run the unit tests, run make check.

To build with the Intel C compiler, run CC=icc CXX=icpc make. Additionally, to use the Intel Math Kernel Library (MKL), set MKLROOT to point to the MKL directory, and set USE_INTEL_MKL=1.


Sparse matrix-vector multiplication

The sparse matrix-vector multiplication kernels require a matrix stored in the matrix market format. Alternatively, a gzip-compressed tarball may be provided that contains a directory and a matrix within that directory that have the same name as the tarball. For example, test.tar.gz should contain the matrix test/test.mtx. This is the format provided by the SuiteSparse Matrix Collection (https://sparse.tamu.edu/).

Trace configuration

The spmv-cache-trace program uses a trace configuration to describe the memory hierarchy and the set of threads to use for a given simulation. The configuration is given by a file in JSON format, as shown in the following example:

  "caches": {
    "L1-0": {"size":    32768, "line_size": 64, "parent": "L2-0"},
    "L1-1": {"size":    32768, "line_size": 64, "parent": "L2-1"},
    "L2-0": {"size":   262144, "line_size": 64, "parent": "L3"},
    "L2-1": {"size":   262144, "line_size": 64, "parent": "L3"},
    "L3":   {"size": 20971520, "line_size": 64, "parent": null}
  "num_numa_domains": 2,
  "thread_affinities": [
    {"thread": 0, "cpu": 0, "cache": "L1-0", "numa_domain": 0},
    {"thread": 1, "cpu": 1, "cache": "L1-1", "numa_domain": 1}

The above configuration describes a system with a shared, third-level cache and two separate NUMA domains. The trace configuration consists of three parts:

  1. "caches" describe the size of each cache and its cache lines, as well as how caches are shared. The cache sizes and cache line sizes are given in bytes. For each cache, "parent" is either the name of a cache at the next, lower level of the memory hierarchy, farther from the CPU, from which data is requested whenever a cache miss occurs, or, null in the case of a last-level cache.

  2. Many multi-core CPUs have a non-uniform memory access (NUMA) architecture, where main memory is partitioned into regions, or NUMA domains. In the trace configuration, "num_numa_domains" specifies the number NUMA domains. Memory accesses to a given NUMA domain may exhibit different performance characteristics depending on the distance between a CPU core and the NUMA domain. For example, separate NUMA domains are typically used to distinguish between local and remote memory accesses in a multi-socket system.

  3. "thread_affinities" describe the number of threads, as well as specifying which (first-level) cache and NUMA domain that each thread belongs to.

Cache tracing

The command

./spmv-cache-trace --trace-config trace-config.json --csr 1138_bus.tar.gz

will perform a cache trace for a sparse matrix-vector multiplication in the compressed sparse row format using the matrix 1138_bus.tar.gz. If the trace configuration provided by trace-config.json is the same as the one shown above, then the following output is produced:

  "trace_config": {
    "caches": {
      "L1-0": {"size": 32768, "line_size": 64, "parent": "L2-0", "cache_miss_event": null},
      "L1-1": {"size": 32768, "line_size": 64, "parent": "L2-1", "cache_miss_event": null},
      "L2-0": {"size": 262144, "line_size": 64, "parent": "L3", "cache_miss_event": null},
      "L2-1": {"size": 262144, "line_size": 64, "parent": "L3", "cache_miss_event": null},
      "L3": {"size": 20971520, "line_size": 64, "parent": null, "cache_miss_event": null}
    "num_numa_domains": 2,
    "thread_affinities": [
      {"cpu": 0, "cache": "L1-0", "numa_domain": 0, "event_groups": []},
      {"cpu": 1, "cache": "L1-1", "numa_domain": 1, "event_groups": []}
  "kernel": {
    "name": "spmv",
    "matrix_path": "1138_bus.tar.gz",
    "matrix_format": "csr",
    "rows": 1138,
    "columns": 1138,
    "nonzeros": 2596,
    "matrix_size": 35708
  "cache_misses": {
    "L1-0": [[423, 0], [0, 0]],
    "L1-1": [[0, 0], [35, 427]],
    "L2-0": [[423, 0], [0, 0]],
    "L2-1": [[0, 0], [35, 427]],
    "L3": [[396, 0], [23, 427]]

For each cache, the cache misses are given for each combination of thread and NUMA domain. Thus, for the third-level cache, the first thread incurred 396 cache misses that would have to be fetched from the first NUMA domain, and none for the second NUMA domain. The second thread incurred 23 cache misses for the first NUMA domain, and 427 for the second NUMA domain.


The command

./spmv-cache-trace --trace-config trace-config.json --csr 1138_bus.tar.gz --profile=10

will profile ten runs of the sparse matrix-vector multiplication kernel for the compressed sparse row format using the matrix 1138_bus.tar.gz. If the trace configuration provided by trace-config.json is the same as the one shown above, then the following output is produced:

  "trace_config": {
    "caches": {
      "L1-0": {"size": 32768, "line_size": 64, "parent": "L2-0", "cache_miss_event": null},
      "L1-1": {"size": 32768, "line_size": 64, "parent": "L2-1", "cache_miss_event": null},
      "L2-0": {"size": 262144, "line_size": 64, "parent": "L3", "cache_miss_event": null},
      "L2-1": {"size": 262144, "line_size": 64, "parent": "L3", "cache_miss_event": null},
      "L3": {"size": 20971520, "line_size": 64, "parent": null, "cache_miss_event": null}
    "num_numa_domains": 2,
    "thread_affinities": [
      {"cpu": 0, "cache": "L1-0", "numa_domain": 0, "event_groups": []},
      {"cpu": 1, "cache": "L1-1", "numa_domain": 1, "event_groups": []}
  "kernel": {
    "name": "spmv",
    "matrix_path": "1138_bus.tar.gz",
    "matrix_format": "csr",
    "rows": 1138,
    "columns": 1138,
    "nonzeros": 2596,
    "matrix_size": 35708
  "execution_time": {
    "samples": 10,
    "min": 14155,
    "max": 21658,
    "mean": 15283.7,
    "median": 14252,
    "variance": 5.56577e+06,
    "standard_deviation": 2359.19,
    "skewness": 1.91989,
    "kurtosis": 6.62483,
    "unit": "ns"
  "profiling_events": [],
  "cache_misses": {
    "L1-0": [],
    "L1-1": [],
    "L2-0": [],
    "L2-1": [],
    "L3": []

The data shown under "execution_time" are statistics based on the execution times of the kernel runs. For instance, the mean execution time is 15 284 ns, or about 15 microseconds.

Hardware performance monitoring

In addition, it is possible to obtain more profiling information by using hardware performance monitoring events. To do so, each thread in the trace configuration may provide an array called "event_groups". Each event group is an array of strings, where each string names a hardware performance event according to the conventions used by the library libpfm4.

The following example shows a single thread configured with two event groups:

  "caches": {
    "L1": {"size":    32768, "line_size": 64, "parent": "L2"},
    "L2": {"size":   262144, "line_size": 64, "parent": "L3"},
    "L3": {"size": 20971520, "line_size": 64, "parent": null}
  "num_numa_domains": 1,
  "thread_affinities": [
    {"thread": 0, "cpu": 0, "cache": "L1-0", "numa_domain": 0,
     "event_groups": [["l1-dcache-loads", "l1-dcache-load-misses"], ["llc-load-misses"]]}

In the above example, the first event group will measure the events "l1-dcache-loads" and "l1-dcache-load-misses", which, roughly speaking, correspond to the number of loads that access the L1 cache and the number of loads that miss the L1 cache, respectively. The second event group measures the event "llc-load-misses", which should correspond to the number of loads that miss the last-level cache.

To see a list of available events, use ./spmv-cache-trace --list-perf-events.

Known issues

perf_event_open(...): Permission denied

If you see this message, then you may not have sufficient permissions to access hardware performance events on your system. This can be controlled through the kernel parameter perf_event_paranoid.

The following command can be used to allow profiling of CPU events: sudo sysctl -w kernel.perf_event_paranoid=0.