This repository contains the code that adds support for MPI in the LES. Note that the GIS files do not contain the actual GIS data for Kyoto but synthetic data.
- Python 2.7 or a later version of Python 2.x (not Python 3).
- SConstruct (
- OpenCL Integration (
- An MPI library (MPICH 3.1.3 and OpenMPI 1.8.4 used during testing).
Original single threaded LES:
scons ocl=0 mpi=0
scons ocl=1 mpi=0
ROW=X # Number of processes per row
COL=Y # Number of processes per column
TOTAL=$(($ROW*$COL)) # Total number of processes
scons ocl=0 mpi=1 procPerRow=$ROW procPerCol=$COL
mpiexec -np $TOTAL ./les_main_mpi