CRDT implementation in Swift, Last Write Win

Primary LanguageSwift


Conflict-free replicated data type

CRDT Charactistics

  • Associativity (a+(b+c)=(a+b)+c), so that grouping doesn't matter.
  • Commutativity (a+b=b+a), so that order of application doesn't matter.
  • Idempotence (a+a=a), so that duplication doesn't matter.


  • Operation-based CRDTs
  • State-based CRDTs

Known CRDT

  • G-Counter (Grow-only Counter)
  • Pn-Counter (Positive-Negative Counter)
  • G-Set (Grow-only Set)
  • 2P-Set (Two-Phase Set)
  • LWW-Element-Set (Last-Write-Wins-Element-Set)
  • OR-Set (Observed-Removed Set)oSequence CRDTs
  • Sequence CRDTs



let animals = CRDTLWWSet<String>()
animals.add(CRDTNode("dog", 1))  // add a dog with timestamp 1
animals.add(CRDTNode("cat", 1))  // add a cat with timestamp 1
animals.add(CRDTNode("bird", 1))  // add a bird with timestamp 1
animals.remove(CRDTNode("dog", 2)) // remove a dog with timestamp 2
animals.result() // returns (cat, 1), (bird, 1)
animals.query("cat") // returns (cat, 1)
animals.query("dog") // returns nil
animals.count() // returns 2


Implemnetaion Decision

  • CRDTNode is a generic class that be reused in other areas as soon as it's T is hashable and comparable, CRDTTests has examples on both "string" and "int"

  • CRDTNode/CRDTLWWSet is self contained without third party dependances

  • In swift we can implement comparable protocol with custom operands easily, examples are provided in set merging. e.g. + for merge, == for compare

  • Set merging was demonstrated with the three main CRDT charactics (associtivity, commutativity, and idempotence) in CRDTMergeTests

Things to optimize:

  • There's no frontend implmenetation for now due to time limitation
  • CRDTLWWSet.result() is expensive and can be cached and optimized
  • CRDTLWWSet might not contain full set of history because it's overridden by last timestamp
  • Test cases can be more sophisticated
  • If the timestamp are the same for multiple elements, the result order could be undermined because of using Dictionary. Consider building an ordered dictionary in Swift if needed