
Tool to import exported backups from Loop Habits Tracker app to Google Spreadsheets

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Habits to Spreadsheet

Simple Go application that imports habits recorded by the Loop Habit Tracker into a Google Spreadsheet.

Show off code

I'm using this project to show "how do I code in Go", for whoever may be interested.

Interesting stuff:

More about me and some of my interests


git clone https://github.com/jan-carreras/habits-to-spreadsheet
cd habits-to-spreadsheet

You will find a binary in bin/hsync


The aim is to import a Habits backup into Google Spreadsheets. Let's start by creating a backup from the Habits app and store it to the Drive. Leave the default name.

bin/hsync -spreadsheet "2021 - OKRs"

The spreadsheet must exist. A new Sheet called "Import" will be created with your habits, and it's count. The habits are filtered by default by quarter. Use help to modify that or any other option:

bin/hsync -h
Usage of bin/hsync:
  -credentials string
        credentials file (default "credentials.json")
  -from string
        yyyy-mm-dd date from where start importing Habits records
  -prefix string
        prefix of the backup name (default "Loop Habits Backup")
  -quarter int
        date range for the quarter of the current year
  -sheet-name string
        the name of the Sheet where data is going to be imported (default "Import")
  -spreadsheet string
        name of the spreadsheet to import
  -tmp string
        temporary directory where to store the DB (default "/tmp")
  -to string
        yyy-mm-dd date from where stop importing Habits records
  -token string
        token file (default "auth.json")


Since the code is to show off, and I can hardly imagine anyone using it let alone contributing to the project, I don't see much value in accepting PRs. But feel free to create issues to highlight problems or requesting new features.
