
Quick sketch of a DB format and caching layer permitting parameterised paths with reasonable cachability.

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Efficient cachable path parameters

Top-line summary: indexed DB possible (no table scans), partial trie data-structure in memory loaded on demand, linear costs for parsing.


This is a demonstration of the caching and parsing of route parameters in an efficient fashion. Additionally, a single interpretation of path parameters is supplied (ie, there is no ambiguity in the parsing rules).

The implementation is split into two pieces: a database layer which just requires keyed lookups from some prefix (ie, no scans); and a cache layer which holds a partial tree in memory.

The assumption here is that route alterations happen much less frequently than route lookups.

Costs of updates on the database

A database update for a path with n elements (ie, /p1/p2/p3/.../pn) will require O(n) insertions into a single indexed table; this corresponds to an entry for each of the path prefixes, /p1, /p1/p2, and so on.

Deletions work similarly.

Every top-level app is considered to have a monotonically increasing generation; a new update will bump the generation on every prefix on the way to the route.

The current 'database' implementation is an in-memory one only for purposes of illustration.

Costs of lookups at the cache layer

The cache layer constructs a partial view of the route tree; specifically, it caches nodes on the path to any route leaf it's asked to look up (assuming that route exists).

If the cache currently has an up-to-date path for a particular route, the query can be answered directly from memory in a structure traversal that's linear in the length of the route.

It is possible that some part of the route prefix may be out-of-date; the cache structure will detect this and perform a number of database lookups corresponding to the length of the route prefix which is out-of-date. Nothing else is thrown away; all other route information can be kept.


Suppose we install the route /a/b/c/d/e/f/g. We make a query for that route; the cache structure will be populated from the database. Cache nodes will be of generation 1. The cache structure at this time looks like this:

/a(1)/b(1)/c(1)/d(1)/e(1)/f(1)/g(1) -> { route data here }

Now suppose a second route is installed, /a/b/X/Y/Z. In the database, the following prefixes will have these generations:

/a                  2
/a/b                2
/a/b/c              1
/a/b/c/d            1
/a/b/c/d/e          1
/a/b/c/d/e/f        1
/a/b/c/d/e/f/g      1
/a/b/X              2
/a/b/X/Y            2
/a/b/X/Y/Z          2

Suppose a second query is made for the initial route; and suppose further that the data for the top-level node is stale (see below for cache-invalidation strategies). Then the cache layer will issue two queries, for /a and /a/b, at which point it will discover that the generation of the remainder of its subtree is still valid. The cache structure will look like this:

/a(2)/b(2)/c(1)/ ...etc... /g(1) -> { route data here }

A request for /a/b/X/Y/Z will follow the tree as far as the b node, then issue requests for X, Y and Z.

In short: the number of database trips is limited to the number of nodes that are out-of-date in the cache for the current path, or that it currently does not hold. (In practice we'd expect this to be zero under the assumptions above.)

Cache busting strategies


This is implemented in the current sketch; top-level (app) nodes have a timeout. If a request comes in for that app, the database will only be contacted in two situations: either if the cache currently has no entry (positive or negative) for that app; or if the current entry has passed its time-to-live. All other nodes can be updated deterministically - there's no need for further timeout complications.

Cache-busting notifications from the database layer

An alternative strategy would be for the database to publish cache invalidation notices on a pub-sub channel which all caches subscribe to; in this situation, top-level nodes may be marked as out-of-date which will trigger a refresh on the next query for a route belonging to that app. Absent those notifications, the cache entries could live forever.

Unconditional fetches of the top-level nodes

This approach is equivalent to setting the positive TTL to 0; it touches the database (once, under normal operation with stable routes) per lookup. The rest of the datastructure will be held in cache where possible. All results are "live".

Cache pruning

The current implementation throws away nodes pruned from the prefix tree when it discovers them; it keeps an entry for each app it is asked about (even if that entry is an expired negative one).

There is no reason why this scheme couldn't be augmented with a cache whose entries are more volatile; the resulting cost would be more trips to the database layer, but that may be considered a suitable compromise. The current implementation keeps everything it loads until it determines that it's a subtree that has been pruned.

Path parameter semantics

This implementation supports a couple of path variable types. There's the single-path-element one, encoded as :; additionally, there's a remainder of the input variable, encoded as &.

When hunting for a path, the most specific match is taken at each step. Fixed path entries are considered to be more specific than single-element : path variables, which are in turn more specific than the & rest-of-path.

In practice, this is unlikely to be a burden. Consider the following route set:

1. /graph
2. /graph/view
3. /graph/:/stage/:
4. /graph/&             ERROR: cannot match anything
5. /graph/:/&

Then the following requests would correspond to these paths:

/graph                      matches 1
/graph/view                 matches 2
/graph/view/                unmatched
/graph/view/foo             unmatched
/graph/2934/stage/4372      matches 3
/graph/4234                 unmatched (but adding a route of /graph/: would match this)
/graph/4234/                matches 5 (rest parameter is "")
/graph/4234/x/y/z           matches 5 (rest parameter is "x/y/z")

Tweaks to the semantics of trailing slashes are of course possible; the current approach favours brevity of implementation.