
Change colorscheme of alacritty with ease.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Alacritty Colorscheme

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Change colorscheme of alacritty with ease.



You can install alacritty-colorscheme using pip:

pip install --user alacritty-colorscheme


usage: alacritty-colorscheme [-c configuration file] [-C colorscheme directory] [-V] [-h]
                             {list,status,toggle,apply} ...

Getting colorschemes

  • You can get colorschemes from aaron-williamson/base16-alacritty

    # Get colorschemes 
    git clone $REPO $DEST
    # Create symlink at default colors location (optional)
    ln -s "$DEST/colors" "$HOME/.config/alacritty/colors"
  • You can also get colorschemes from from eendroroy/alacritty-theme

    # Get colorschemes
    git clone $REPO $DEST
    # Create symlink at default colors location (optional)
    ln -s "$DEST/themes" "$HOME/.config/alacritty/colors"

Sync with vim/neo-vim

If you are using base16 colorschemes from base16-vim plugin, you can use the -V argument to automatically generate ~/.vimrc_background file when you change alacritty colorscheme. You will need to source this file in your vimrc to load the same colorscheme in vim.

Add this in your .vimrc file:

if filereadable(expand("~/.vimrc_background"))
  let base16colorspace=256          " Remove this line if not necessary
  source ~/.vimrc_background

When you change your alacritty colorscheme, you simply need to source ~/.vimrc_background or your vimrc. If you are a neo-vim user, ~/.vimrc_background will be automatically sourced.


bash/zsh aliases

Add this in your .zshrc or .bashrc file:


alias day="alacritty-colorscheme -V apply $LIGHT_COLOR"
alias night="alacritty-colorscheme -V apply $DARK_COLOR"
alias toggle="alacritty-colorscheme -V toggle $LIGHT_COLOR $DARK_COLOR"

i3wm/sway bindings

Add this in your i3 config file:

set $light_color base16-gruvbox-light-soft.yml
set $dark_color base16-gruvbox-dark-soft.yml

# Toggle between light and dark colorschemes
bindsym $mod+Shift+n exec alacritty-colorscheme -V toggle $light_color $dark_color

# Toggle between all available colorschemes
bindsym $mod+Shift+m exec alacritty-colorscheme -V toggle

# Get notification with current colorscheme
bindsym $mod+Shift+b exec notify-send "Alacritty Colorscheme" `alacritty-colorscheme status`


Running locally

pip install --user poetry

git clone https://github.com/toggle-corp/alacritty-colorscheme.git
cd alacritty-colorscheme

poetry install
poetry run python -m alacritty_colorscheme.cli

Installing locally

pip install --user .


Content of this repository is released under the [Apache License, Version 2.0].

Apache License, Version 2.0