
Setup automated, encrypted, online backups using tarsnap with ansible

Primary LanguagePython

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Backup role

This Ansible role will install and configure tarsnap + tarsnapper to make encrypted backups at regular intervals.

These backups are stored with tarsnap which uses Amaozn S3.

Laern more about Tarsnap, online backups for the truly paranoid.


  • A tarsnap account with funds on it
  • This role has only been tested on Ubuntu 16.04 (I'll expand it to other platforms if there is any interest, let me know by opening an issue)
  • A tarsnapper config file at templates/tarsnapper.yml.j2 in your playbook (how to write a tarsnapper config file
  • A tarsnap config file at templates/tarsnap.conf.j2 in your playbook (how to write a tarsnap config file)

Role Variables

variable default value purpose
backup__rebuild_cache false Will skip tarsnap --fsck
backup__tarsnap_cachedir /usr/local/tarsnap-cache Sets the directory tarsnap will use to cache backups (cf. tarsnap.conf man page
backup__tarsnap_keyfile /root/tarsnap.key Sets the path where the tarsnap key will be saved
backup__tarsnap_apt_key 40B98B68F04DE775 ID for the key used to sign the tarsnap package
backup__tarsnap_username changeme@example.com Username for tarsnap.com (only required if you want to generate a new tarsnap key)
backup__tarsnap_password encrypt me Password for tarsnap.com (only required if you want to generate a new tarsnap key)
backup__tarsnap_local_key `` Path to already generated tarsnap key
backup__tarsnapper_config_file /etc/tarsnapper.yml Sets the path where the tarsnapper jobs configuration will be saved on the target host
backup__tarsnapper_log_file /var/log/tarsnapper.log Sets the path to where the cronjob logs will be written
backup__tarsnapper_enabled true Enables tarsnapper installation
backup__cron_{minute,hour,dom,month,dow} respectively: 28, 3, *, *, * Interval at which to run tarsnap for backups
backup__install_pip true Enables python-pip installation


If there is no tarsnap key specified with backup__tarsnap_local_key , a new Tarsnap key will be generated using the backup__tarsnap_username and backup__tarsnap_password variables, and a new machine will be registered as {{ ansible_host }}.

If tarsnap key is specified with backup__tarsnap_local_key, then that key will be used instead and no new key generation or machine registration will occur.

If the Add tarsnap apt key task fails, it means the package's key has changed but I haven't updated the role yet. Check what the current key is at https://www.tarsnap.com/pkg-deb.html, override its value with the backup__tarsnap_apt_key variable, and open an issue so I can update the role with the new key.



Example Playbook

- hosts: all
    - role: coaxial.backup



Author Information

Coaxial <64b.it>