
Simple CHANGELOG generator based on Github PRs

Primary LanguageElixir

changeloggen ci-tests

Simple changelog generator for Github repositories. This cli tool uses PRs after latest release tag to generate a markdown formatted changelog. It also provides a option to group by additional labels attached to PR such as Bug, Feature etc.


Make sure to have Erlang and Elixir local installations.

Clone this repository and use mix to build and run this tool.

$ cd path/to/changeloggen
$ mix escript.build
$ ./changeloggen --help

WIP: Publish to hex.pm so installing using mix escripts.install changeloggen is possible.


$ changeloggen --help

$ changeloggen [--release=0.2.0] [--url=github.com/org/repo] [--labels=Feature,Bug]

# 0.2.0

## Feature
* New awesome feature (#12, @honey)
* Another cool feature (#13, @badger)

## Bug
* Fix somethinng (#11, @honeybadger)
* Fixed a bug (#10, @fearless)