Spring Boot 3 Netbeans Getting Started


Just clone the repository and you're ready to go (please see prerequisites section). You'll get a nice template for an empty Spring Boot 3 application.


Highly opinionated build with selection of Maven plugins made accessible via the Netbeans UI. See section 'Source code style' for more information about the coding style. For a Git commit message template see the section 'Commit message format'. The two projects in spring-boot-netbeans-single-module and spring-boot-netbeans-multi-module can be used as templates. Both projects use ${revision} for setting the version which can be overridden at build time from the outside.

In order to speed up the IDE actions as much as possible use the Maven Daemon. Also [Run], [Debug], and [Test] skip all not necessary plugins. This is done with the maven-skip-execution-profile-extension that automatically creates the (runtime) profiles needed for skipping certain plugins actions. The profiles don't end up in the actual POM.

"Compile on Save" is currently disabled. The idea is to always use the Java compiler because recently CoS fell more and more out of favour (see disable compile-on-save by default in maven projects #5826). javac has no incremental compilation and might get too slow for bigger projects. To test if the Eclipse compiler (which is able to do incremental compilation) performs better a profile called eclipse is included.

Netbeans Maven Goals

  • [Build] install with resources:[test]Resources and compiler:[test]Compile only
  • [Clean and Build] clean install with resources:[test]Resources and compiler:[test]Compile only
  • [Run] spring-boot:run
  • [Debug] spring-boot:run with debugger attached
  • Run Maven
    • [Full Build] a full clean install with verification
    • [Format Code] spring-javaformat:apply and impsort:sort
    • [Integration Test] failsafe:integration-test
    • [Test Gap Analysis (Unit Test only)] test-gap-analysis:perform of current working tree changes with unit tests only
    • [Test Gap Analysis] test-gap-analysis:perform of current working tree changes with unit and integration tests
    • [Mutation Coverage] pitest-maven:mutationCoverage of unit tests only
    • [Static Code Analysis] spotbugs:check, checkstyle:check, pmd:check, pmd:cpd-check and arch-unit:arch-test
    • [Checkstyle] checkstyle:check
    • [PMD] pmd:check
    • [Clone Detection] pmd:cpd-check
    • [ArchUnit Maven plugin] arch-unit:arch-test
    • [Forbidden API Checker] forbiddenapis:check
    • [Dependency Tree] dependency:tree
    • [Dependency Graph] depgraph:graph
    • [POM Hierarchy Tree] hierarchy:tree
    • [Sortpom] sortpom:sorty
    • [Enforce Dependency Convergence] enforcer:enforce@dependency-convergence
    • [Available Dependency Updates] versions:display-dependency-updates
    • [Source Lines of Code] sloc-maven-plugin:sloc


  1. clone the repository with git clone --config core.autocrlf=input to avoid line ending problems on Windows (the formatters are using LR)

  2. JDK 17

  3. recent Maven (tested with 3.9.5), the Maven Daemon is recommended to speed up the IDE actions

  4. Netbeans (tested with 19)

  5. mvn clean install in skip-execution-profile/maven-skip-execution-profile-extension directory of this repository

  6. mvn clean install of Pocketsaw 1.7.1

  7. [optional] External Code Formatters for NetBeans to apply the Spring Java Format directly in the IDE

    • NOTE: It is important that the version of the io.spring.javaformat:spring-javaformat-formatter and org.eclipse.jdt:org.eclipse.jdt.core dependencies of the plugin are matching the version of the used Maven plugin. Otherwise the format could be slightly different. Check the URL mentioned in https://github.com/spring-io/spring-javaformat/blob/main/pom.xml#L35 under plugins for the exact version of org.eclipse.jdt.core to use.
  8. [optional] matching Netbeans Java Import settings Netbeans Java Import setings

  9. [optional] mvn clean install of Test Gap Analysis 1.2.1

Source code style

  1. avoid static methods for easier testing
    1. exception: (package) private helper methods in classes that are static to enforce functional purity
    2. exception: completely stateless *Utils classes with static methods only
      1. utility classes must be abstract and have a private default constructor
    3. exception: real constants with names in upper case delimited by underscores (real constants are either primitive or immutable instances that are never used together with a "." to access one of their members)
  2. logger has to be: private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); (see https://www.slf4j.org/faq.html#declared_static for no conclusion... 😉)
  3. restrict file, method and lambda lengths to reasonable values
  4. code dependency
    1. no code cycles on package level
    2. no dependencies between a package and any of its (sub-)sub-packages (only the other way around)
  5. restrict maximal number of parameters to a reasonable value
    1. in case of model class constructors with too many parameters use a http://rdafbn.blogspot.com/2012/07/step-builder-pattern_28.html
      1. extra abstract class with <ModelClassName>Builder name and private default constructor
      2. static builder() method in model class as only way to instantiate the class
      3. (package private) constructor in model class with BuilderImpl as only parameter
      4. inner step interfaces in <ModelClassName>Builder with Step suffix
      5. inner static class BuilderImpl implementing all the steps
  6. usage of immutable data structures only by making all members final
    1. usage of Java records when ever possible
    2. for members of type collection defensive copies and Collections.unmodifiableXzy(...) in constructor
      1. the elements in the collections must also be immutable
    3. local variables and parameters must not use final because it adds too much noise (see https://github.com/spring-io/spring-javaformat#final)
      1. only ever mutate parameters in private methods (for example recursive methods), for all other methods return proper result types
  7. usage of Optional<?> (was actually designed for method return types only, but is the only JDK built-in way to indicate a nullable value (all @Nullable annotations are from third-party libraries))
    1. never return null, use Optional<?> instead (this eliminates the need for null checks everywhere)
    2. but prefer method overloading or usage of a builder over Optional<?> method parameters
    3. even use Optional<?> for immutable class fields or record components (avoids unnecessary Optional.ofNullable(...) calls in getters)
  8. Java source file organization (derived from https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/wiki/Code-Style#java-source-file-organization)
    1. enum types if simple ones (contains only constants)
    2. static fields and initializers
    3. normal fields
    4. constructors (ordering of parameters should be consistent with the order of the corresponding fields)
    5. static factory methods
    6. all other methods
      1. overridden methods have to be grouped together
    7. getters and setters (ordering of fields and getters/setters should be consistent with order of the corresponding fields)
    8. equals(...), hashCode() and toString()
    9. inner types (static/inner classes, interface and non-simple enum types)
      1. don't overuse inner types, as soon as the type is also useful in some other context it should be a top-level type
  9. don't use checked (and unchecked) exceptions for program flow, always prefer returning proper result types (exceptions are reserved for real, unexpected errors)
    1. usage of the Result type of com.spencerwi:Either.java to return either a return type or the exception that happened
    2. wrapping an IOException with UncheckedIOException (or more general any exception in a IllegalStateException) is okay but takes away the possibility from the caller to react to errors (for example by skipping a single file that cause an IOException while reading it)
  10. no static imports in production code (only allowed in tests)
  11. no wildcard imports in general
  12. equals(...), hashCode() and toString() must be implemented for all model/domain classes but not service or utility classes
    1. toString() should only be used for debugging purposes (printed in logs (DEBUG level) or in IDE) and never use to extract the state of an object
    2. toString() should contain all interesting information (too long information can be shorten or summarized)
    3. on high-level equals(...) must first test for identity (==) and then for type compatibility with instanceof
    4. equals(...) must compare different type of fields differently:
      1. float and double with Float.compare(...) resp. Double.compare(...)
      2. all other primitive types and enums with ==
      3. object references with Objects.equals(...)
    5. hashCode() must use Objects.hash(...)
  13. always use this. for class fields but never for instance methods (same approach as https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/wiki/Code-Style#field-and-method-references)
  14. static fields and methods of own class must never be prefixed with the own class name
  15. usage of Java Stream API
    1. don't overuse lambdas with streams, prefer method references or simple one line lambdas
    2. usage of forEach with stream() is suspicious, should only be used in rare cases with a method reference (good old for-each loops might be easier to read and debug)
  16. no usage of var at all because the diamond operator does a good enough job (the Spring teams agrees: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/wiki/Code-Style#local-variable-type-inference)
  17. be careful with static initializers that perform heavy operations, they might slow down app start
    1. prefer lazy instantiation with either https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Initialization-on-demand_holder_idiom or a simple singleton with a synchronnized block
  18. whenever a Locale is required use Locale.ROOT (e.g. String#toLowerCase(Locale))

Commit message format

All messages must adhere to the following format:

summary (use same summary to group multiple commits)

-   change details as unordered Markdown list
    -   with multiple levels to group things
-   single backticks for `code`

The blank line between summary and details is mandatory. Details are always a Markdown syntax unordered list. In the list items only plain text and Markdown code is allowed. Lower case is in general preferred, only proper names should be capitalized.

My Netbeans configuration

Netbeans Java Import setings Netbeans Java Import setings Netbeans Java Import setings Netbeans Java Import setings Netbeans Java Import setings Netbeans Java Import setings Netbeans Java Import setings Netbeans Java Import setings