Jan Aagaard's Blog



The JanAagaard.com Company

  • Rename CPNHGN to JanAagaard.com on Virk.dk.
    • Set up jan@janaagaard.com as a Google email address.
    • Move the CPNHGN emails to JanAagaard.com.
    • Close down the CPNHGN account.
  • Web page structure:
    • janaagaard.com: Single page about the one man company. Pretty much a copy of what's on cpnhgn.dk, but in both Danish and English.
    • janaagaard.com/blog: The front page for the blog, with article summaries.
    • janaagaard.com/blog/YYYY-MM-DD-title: A
    • janaagaard.com/cv: My CV.
  • Redirect cpnhgn.dk, cpnhgn.com, and janaagaard.dk to janaagaard.com.
  • Move main page to Google Pages.
  • Include link to CV.