
Distracting you from your distractions

Momenta is a native Android app designed to encourage productivity and goal achievement by being your accountability assistant.

Enter your goals, and Momenta will check up on you throughout the day to see how your goals are progressing over time.

It can even log time in your Google Calendar automatically, woah!

Development Environment Setup

  1. Install the latest version of Android Studio.
  2. Fork or clone this GitHub project as a new project in Android Studio Follow these steps for more information on how to do so.
  3. Start developping on the branch of your choice or create your own.

Runing Tests

  1. In Android Studio, locate the app/java/momenta_app(androidTest) folder
  2. Right-click it and select 'Run 'Tests' in 'com.moment...' to run all the tests in the folder. You can also run each one by one by right-clicking on the test's class and selecting 'Run '{name of the test class}''.