💰 PHP library for communication with ComGate Payments.
To install latest version of comgate/sdk
use Composer.
composer require comgate/sdk
You have to install php-xml extension on your PHP server (e.g.: Ubuntu: apt-get install php-xml).
- https://help.comgate.cz/docs/protocol-api-en (english version)
- https://help.comgate.cz/docs/api-protokol (czech version)
- At first register your account at our side comgate.cz.
- You will get merchant indentificator and secret.
- Allow your eshop server IPv4 address at portal.comgate.cz.
- Set PAID, CANCELLED, PENDING and STATUS URL at portal.comgate.cz.
use Comgate\SDK\Comgate;
$client = Comgate::defaults()
->setMerchant('123456') // get on portal.comgate.cz
->setSecret('foobarbaz') // get on portal.comgate.cz
use Comgate\SDK\Entity\Codes\CurrencyCode;
use Comgate\SDK\Entity\Codes\PaymentMethodCode;
use Comgate\SDK\Entity\Money;
use Comgate\SDK\Entity\Payment;
use Comgate\SDK\Utils\Helpers;
use Comgate\SDK\Entity\Codes\RequestCode;
use Comgate\SDK\Exception\ApiException;
$payment = new Payment();
->setPrice(Money::ofInt(50)) // 50 CZK
->setPrice(Money::ofFloat(50.25)) // 50,25 CZK
->setPrice(Money::ofCents(5025)) // 50,25 CZK
// -----
->setLabel('Test item')
// or ->setParam('label', 'Test item') // you can pass all params like this
try {
$createPaymentResponse = $client->createPayment($payment);
if ($createPaymentResponse->getCode() === RequestCode::OK) {
// Redirect the payer to ComGate payment gateway (use proper method of your framework)
} else {
} catch (ApiException $e) {
Example of successfull response for $client->createPayment
$transactionId = $createPaymentResponse->getTransId(); // XXXX-YYYY-ZZZZ
$code = $createPaymentResponse->getCode(); // 0
$message = $createPaymentResponse->getMessage(); // OK
$redirect = $createPaymentResponse->getRedirect(); // https://payments.comgate.cz/client/instructions/index?id=XXXX-YYYY-ZZZZ
Example of error response for $client->createPayment
$code = $e->getCode(); // 1109
$message = $e->getMessage(); // Invalid payment method [fake]
use Comgate\SDK\Exception\ApiException;
try {
$methodsResponse = $client->getMethods();
foreach ($methodsResponse->getMethodsList() as $method) {
} catch (ApiException $e) {
- Example PAID URL: https://your-eshop.tld/order-finish.php?id=${id}&refId=${refId}&status=PAID
- Example PAID CANCELLED: https://your-eshop.tld/order-finish.php?id=${id}&refId=${refId}&status=CANCELLED
- Example PAID PENDING: https://your-eshop.tld/order-finish.php?id=${id}&refId=${refId}&status=PENDING
use Comgate\SDK\Entity\Payment;
use Comgate\SDK\Entity\PaymentNotification;
use Comgate\SDK\Entity\Codes\PaymentStatusCode;
$transactionId = $_GET['id']; // XXXX-YYYY-ZZZZ
$refId = $_GET['refId']; // your order number
try {
$paymentStatusResponse = $client->getStatus($transactionId);
switch ($paymentStatusResponse->getStatus()){
case PaymentStatusCode::PAID:
// Your code (set order as paid)
echo "Your payment was PAID successfully.";
case PaymentStatusCode::CANCELLED:
// Your code (set order as cancelled)
echo "Your order was CANCELLED.";
case PaymentStatusCode::PENDING:
// Your code (order is still pending)
echo "We are waiting for the payment.";
case PaymentStatusCode::AUTHORIZED:
// Your code (set order as authorized)
echo "Payment was authorized successfully.";
} catch (ApiException $e) {
Example URL: https://your-eshop.tld/notify.php
use Comgate\SDK\Entity\PaymentNotification;
use Comgate\SDK\Entity\Codes\PaymentStatusCode;
use Comgate\SDK\Exception\ApiException;
// Create from $_POST global variable
// $notification = PaymentNotification::createFromGlobals();
// Create from your framework
$data = $framework->getHttpRequest()->getPostData();
$notification = PaymentNotification::createFrom($data);
$transactionId = $notification->getTransactionId();
try {
// it's important to check the status from API
$paymentStatusResponse = $client->getStatus($transactionId);
switch ($paymentStatusResponse->getStatus()){
case PaymentStatusCode::PAID:
// Your code (set order as paid)
case PaymentStatusCode::CANCELLED:
// Your code (set order as cancelled)
case PaymentStatusCode::AUTHORIZED:
// Your code (set order as authorized)
// PaymentStatusCode::PENDING - is NOT send via push notification
echo "OK"; // important response with HTTP code 200
} catch (ApiException $e) {
use Comgate\SDK\Entity\Refund;
use Comgate\SDK\Exception\ApiException;
use Comgate\SDK\Entity\Money;
use Comgate\SDK\Entity\Codes\RequestCode;
$refund = new Refund();
$refundResult = $client->refundPayment($refund);
if($refundResult->getCode() == RequestCode::OK) {
// refund created successfully
} catch (ApiException $e){
We are using PSR-3 for logging.
use Comgate\SDK\Comgate;
use Comgate\SDK\Logging\FileLogger;
use Comgate\SDK\Logging\StdoutLogger;
$client = Comgate::defaults()
->setLogger(new FileLogger(__DIR__ . '/comgate.log'))
Take a look at our tests to see the logger format.
If you find a bug, please submit the issue in Github directly.
Thank you for using our ComGate Payments.
Copyright (c) 2021 ComGate Payments. MIT Licensed.