
VS Code Integration for HARDWARIO Firmware



VSCode + ARM GCC + utilities. For SDK API documentation have a look at http://sdk.bigclown.com/ For whole HARDWARIO documentation have a look at https://doc.bigclown.com/

Build project

Press Ctrl + Shift + B or type Ctrl + P then task build then <Enter>. Application is in app\application.c.

Flash MCU via USB DFU

Connect Core Module via USB cable. Make CPU waiting for DFU (on Core Module press RESET button, press BOOT button, release RESET button, release BOOT button).

Type Ctrl + P then task dfu then <Enter>.

Flash MCU via JLink and Debug

  • Connect JLink (JTAG/SWD connector on Core Module - JLink and Jlink USB - PC USB)
  • Open application.c (e.g. Ctrl + Shift + E to switch to Explorer view and select app application.c)
  • Build (e.g. Ctrl + Shift + B)
  • Type Ctrl + Shift + D to switch to debug view, set some breakpoints by hitting F9
  • Hit F5 to start debugging

Terminal on COM port

Ctrl + ` (or Ctrl + Shift + P to term <Enter>) to open terminal window.

Type serialport-list then <Enter> to list available COM ports.

Type serialport-term -p COM5 to start serial port terminal on COM5 (use appropriate COM port number). Ctrl+C to exit terminal.