Petshop api serverless

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Project   |    Requirement   |    Run Project   |    Request API   |    Technologies


Manager petshop. Backend contains the apis user and pet.You can manager your registed of users and pets. Petshop contains the front-end application.


To this project your need to have:

Inside each backend service you have env-dev.yml put your config in theses files.

Create .env.local file inside petshop and put two envs NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL_USER(user url), NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL_PET(pet url)

Run Project

Start Docker in your machine and:

## up containers
❯ docker compose up -d

URL-apis: front-end user-api pet-api

Request API

pet-api user-api


  • nodejs
  • serverless
  • jsonwebtoken
  • sqlite3
  • s3-bucket-aws
  • sqs-aws

Made by Janapc 🤘 Get in touch!