
Your coding task is to implement a simple application that will consist of 1 screen. The goal of the app is to show the 7-day forecast for city of your choice and display it in a user friendly manner. In order to do it, you must use Weather REST API to get the needed data. The endpoint is:{API_KEY}&q={NAME_OF_CITY}&days=7&aqi=no&alerts=no


UI Requirements: The screen should consist of 2 sections:

  • Section 1: Information of the city – country, city, current date and time
  • Section 2: 7-day forecast – icon for current weather condition, minimum and maximum temperatures in Celsius and the date for the particular day Technical Requirements:
  • Use Swift programming language
  • Use architecture of your choice
  • Support only iPhone and iOS 13 and above
  • Don’t use Storyboards or XIBs
  • Use Auto Layout
  • Support both portrait and landscape orientations
  • Don’t use 3rd party frameworks