
Build Magnum, plugin modules and it's dependencies from single project using CMake

Primary LanguageCMake

Magnum Build

Build all Magnum projects, it's dependencies and samples from single project using CMake.

CMake will configure and build following targets:

This configuration is tested on platforms:

  • Linux
  • MAC
  • Android


How to get started

Clone following Magnum projects to one root directory just beside your magnum-build project.

git clone git@github.com:mosra/corrade.git
git clone git@github.com:mosra/magnum.git
git clone git@github.com:mosra/magnum-plugins.git
git clone git@github.com:mosra/magnum-integration.git
git clone git@github.com:mosra/magnum-examples.git
git clone git@github.com:mosra/magnum-extras.git
git clone -b <base/base-android/...> git@github.com:mosra/magnum-bootstrap.git
git clone git@github.com:janbajana/magnum-build.git

third-party dependencies

git clone git@github.com:ocornut/imgui.git

Use cmake to configure the magnum-build project. You can pass here cmake options required for all magnum projects. This example is using Nanja generator.

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ ninja -j6

This is a minimal configuration which builds only magnum-triangle example.

Configure using script helpers

The project includes ./scripts/*.sh helper scripts to setup CMake with all avaiable options.

To see how magnum projects can be configured try to run:

$ ./scripts/setup-dev-desktop.sh Release
$ cd ./build/Desktop-Release
$ ninja -j6

for Android

$ ./scripts/setup-dev-android.sh Release
$ cd ./build/Desktop-Release
$ ninja -j6

If you build magnum-axamples for Android you have to chekcout branch from here, only magnum-triangle is currrently configurable:

git clone -b origin/jb/android-build git@github.com:janbajana/magnum-examples.git

Configure with IDE