
Icon font generation tool

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT




Easy-to-use, pre-configured cli tool to generate web-font icon kits from .svg files


Icon-font generation, easy to use and highly configurable.

It also generates TypeScript types, JSON maps of the generated code-points, allowing for a great deal of different usages, e.g. integrating with React type-safe icon components or integration on mobile apps by just combining TTF and JSON generation.


npm install -g fantasticon


Quick usage

fantasticon my-icons/*.svg -o icon-dist


Usage: fantasticon [options] [inputDir]

  -V, --version                output the version number
  -c, --config <value>         custom config path (default: .fantasticonrc | fantasticonrc | .fantasticonrc.json | fantasticonrc.json | .fantasticonrc.js | fantasticonrc.js)
  -o, --output <value>         specify output directory
  -n, --name <value>           base name of the font set used both as default asset name and classname prefix (default: icons)
  -t, --font-types <value...>  specify font formats to generate (default: eot, woff2, woff, available: eot, woff2, woff, ttf, svg)
  -g --asset-types <value...>  specify other asset types to generate (default: css, html, json, ts, available: css, html, json, ts)
  -h, --font-height <value>    the output font height (icons will be scaled so the highest has this height) (default: 300)
  --descent <value>            the font descent
  --normalize [bool]           normalize icons by scaling them to the height of the highest icon
  -r, --round [bool]           setup the SVG path rounding [10e12]
  --selector <value>           use a CSS selector instead of 'tag + prefix' (default: null)
  --tag <value>                CSS base tag for icons (default: i)
  -u, --fonts-url <value>      public url to the fonts directory (used in the generated CSS)
  --debug                      display errors stack trace (default: false)
  --silent                     run with no logs (default: false)
  --help                       display help for command

Configuration file

Some options (specifically, formatOptions and pathOptions) cannot be passed to the cli directly.

To have more control and better readability, you can create a simple configuration file.

By default, fantasticon will look for one of following files in the working directory:

.fantasticonrc | fantasticonrc | .fantasticonrc.json | fantasticonrc.json | .fantasticonrc.js | fantasticonrc.js

You can specify a custom --config option with your configuration file path.

Here's an example .fantasticonrc.js:

module.exports = {
  inputDir: './icons',
  outputDir: './dist',
  fontTypes: ['ttf', 'woff', 'woff2'],
  assetTypes: ['ts', 'css', 'json', 'html'],
  fontsUrl: '/static/fonts',
  fontTypes: ['ttf'],
  formatOptions: {
    // Pass options directly to `svgicons2svgfont`
    svg: { metadata: { foo: 'bar' }, ascent: 0.5 },
    json: { indent: 2 }
  pathOptions: {
    ts: './src/types/icon-types.ts',
    json: './misc/icon-codepoints.json'


Simple usage

import { generateFonts } from 'fantasticon';

generateFonts().then(results => console.log('Done', results));


import { generateFonts } from 'fantasticon';

// Default options
  name: 'icons',
  fontTypes: [FontAssetType.EOT, FontAssetType.WOFF2, FontAssetType.WOFF],
  assetTypes: [
  formatOptions: {},
  pathOptions: {},
  codepoints: {},
  fontHeight: 300,
  round: undefined, // --
  descent: undefined, // Will use `svgicons2svgfont` defaults
  normalize: undefined, // --
  selector: null,
  tag: 'i',
  prefix: 'icon',
  fontsUrl: null
}).then(results => console.log(results));


Copyright (c) 2020 Tancredi Trugenberger. - Released under the MIT license