
A MQTT controlled, FastLED powered Arduino sketch to animate each pocket of a book shelf.

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A MQTT controlled, FastLED powered Arduino sketch to animate each pocket of a shelf, having multiple WS2812B's. There are multiple animations that can be run:
  • sparkling fire animation, inspired by NeoFire.
  • blue wave Pacifica animation, inspired by this FastLED example.
  • glowing ball, expanding and collapsing periodically.
  • growing tree animation.
  • a game of pong, where the players are blue, the ball white. When a player hits the ball they light up green. When a player misses, the hemispheres light up green and red to indicate the player that lost or won.
  • colorful disco animation, where the beats per minute can be controlled via the parameter.
  • two white dots, flowing in circles.

MQTT Control

The xyeShelf_mqtt.py starts a server, through which you an control the xyeShelf. The following MQTT topics are relevant:

  • /xyeShelf/reboot to publish a 1 to, to reboot the arduino board.
  • /xyeShelf/animation_requested to publish a integer number to, to choose an animation.
  • /xyeShelf/parameter_requested to publish a integer number (0 to 255) to, to control a certain aspect of the animation.
Animation Parameter
0 fire Control the liveliness of the animation. The +‰-value indicates, how the mixing ratio of two key frames is increased with each loop. When the ratio is at 100%, the next key frame is calculated.
1 pacifica no effect
2 ball no effect
3 tree no effect
4 pong At 128, the game is balanced for a tie between the players, so both miss the ball equally often.
At 0 or 255, one player never misses, the other double as much, compared to balance.
5 disco Control the beats per minute (bpm), as p/2=bpm. So when p=255, the bpm is 128.
6 flow no effect

Further, other mqtt clients can subscribe to the following topics to see, what is going on on the board:

  • /xyeShelf/animation_actual to subscribe to, to see the result of requesting an animation.
  • /xyeShelf/parameter_actual to subscribe to, to see the result of requesting a parameter.

Both actual topics will contain a json response in the following form:

     "state": "<as accepted by sketch or negative for errors>",
     "description": "<textual description for the state>"

The script needs to be run on the device, that the arduino is connected to via USB. Please adjust the server in the python script to your needs.

Further Reading