
Forever() not working for sequences

diematte opened this issue · 3 comments

Hei @jandelgado,
thank you for this great library. After adapting the HAL-layer I am able to use it on an STM32F3 with CubeMX.
I was planning to use sequences for outputting status-blinkcodes. However, when I do this:

JLedSequence sequence(JLedSequence::eMode::SEQUENCE, leds);

the sequence stops after the first iteration.

I think the issue might be the following line in Update():

is_running_ = ++iteration_ < num_repetitions_ &&
                      num_repetitions_ != kRepeatForever;

Because num_repetitions_ is set to kRepeatForever by Forever(), the second half of the above statement and thereby is_running will always be false.

I modified the line as follows and this seems to be working.

is_running_ = ++iteration_ < num_repetitions_ ||
                      num_repetitions_ == kRepeatForever;

Or am I getting something wrong?

Kind regards

Thanks for the report, this is indeed a bug... The only case not covered by a unit test - damn it. I'll fix it asap


fixed with 4.6.1 - could you please test it, @diematte ?

It works! :-)
I also tried to run a very short sequence for an extended amount of time, to see if there is any weird effect when iteration_ wraps around. This works as well.

There is just one edge-case I can think of:
In the unlikely case that a user wants to run exactly 65535 repetitions, the sequence will instead run forever (this is the case for single LEDs as well, right?). I don't think it is really worth addressing in the code. But maybe it could be noted in the description of Repeat().