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Homework 4 code for Principles of Robot Autonomy I (AA 174A/274A, CS 237A, EE 260A)
We are going to use multiple drones to transport a single object between 2 points while avoiding objects and minimizing energy usage. We plan to develop control schemes for different numbers of drones i.e. our controller shouldl be able to dynamically handle a varying number of drones lifting the object. Additionally we will not know the weight of the mass we are lifting before hand, so we will have to develop a control scheme that is robust enough while the mass is being estimated. Finally we plan to test both centralized and decentralized MPC schemes to see which performs better.
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janderson271's Repositories
We are going to use multiple drones to transport a single object between 2 points while avoiding objects and minimizing energy usage. We plan to develop control schemes for different numbers of drones i.e. our controller shouldl be able to dynamically handle a varying number of drones lifting the object. Additionally we will not know the weight of the mass we are lifting before hand, so we will have to develop a control scheme that is robust enough while the mass is being estimated. Finally we plan to test both centralized and decentralized MPC schemes to see which performs better.
Homework 4 code for Principles of Robot Autonomy I (AA 174A/274A, CS 237A, EE 260A)