
Example of firing up a GitLab or Gitea instance, in compose, using podman

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  • An example of how to run Git Providers with Podman and Docker Compose. Currently for

    • local GitLab

    • local Gitea

Nice to have for learning, laboration and local testing.


  • Ubuntu 24.04 (might work with other versions, only tested on 24.04)

Podman 4.9.3++ installed and working.
podman info  # see version
Podman running as a rootless service:
podman info | grep -A2 'remoteSocket' # should list exists true and the socket
Alias docker=podman has been set.
alias docker=podman
DOCKER_HOST has been exported (to the podman socket)
export DOCKER_HOST=unix:///run/user/1000/podman/podman.sock # or whatever your podman socket is, see podman info
Podman network is netavark
podman info | grep -A2 'backend' # only tested with netavark
docker compose is in version v2++
docker compose version # v2 and v2.28.1++

"Older" versions than mentioned above won’t be supported, sorry.
Neither will a Windows or Mac setup.

GitLab Running steps

1 Run compose
podman compose pull  && podman compose --profile gitlab  up
Before you have configured your first runner there will be some errors here of type "ERROR: Failed to load config stat /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml:". Just ignore for now. Also you might have to give rootles podman port rights. sudo sysctl net.ipv4.ip_unprivileged_port_start=80
2 Change root password for gitlabce
podman exec -it gitlab-ce gitlab-rake "gitlab:password:reset[root]"
3 Make the change apply
podman compose down && podman compose --profile gitlab up
4 GitLab UI at GitLab UI at and login with root/pw
5 Search for the admin area in GUI (Search → Admin)
6 Add a new instance runner under CI-settings
7 Follow the instruction page shown for how to register the runner, and a token, and then
podman exec -it gitlab-runner /bin/bash
gitlab-runner register   --url --token <your token>

# and while still in the running container, do
vi /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml
8 Look at the example runner configuration at runner.example.toml in this project and add what you need: privileged and FF_NET.. are needed for podman. Also, see https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/executors/docker.html#use-podman-to-run-docker-commands for settings to play with.
9 Restart compose for runner configuration.
podman compose down && podman compose up
# and then, login to UI, check that the runner is online in the admin area
10 Add testproject, CI pipes, and have fun!!

Gitea Running steps



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