How to deploy it?

  • git clone
  • cd test
  • docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
  • cd e2e
  • npm i
  • node_modules/.bin/newman run Between.postman_collection.json
  • enjoy :)


  • Inspired by Clean Architecture: A Craftsman's Guide to Software Structure and Clean Architecture
    • There you could find empty folder but it's just to show how would be a clean architecture


  • Java - Spring Boot
  • Docker
  • Newman




  • It's assumed that the application must have high availability and optimal performance must be guaranteed.


  • You could use more functional programming as VAVR and immutables
  • You could use postman and newman to ensure your e2e
  • If you want that the app works with workloads you could deploy in AWS and use EC2, ELB and RDS
  • If you want more metrics you should use an agent for this like new newrelic, dynaTrace , appOptics and so on. This approach just was to show my knowledge with SQL