Off The Leash

Epicodus Java Team Week Project. 04-10-2017


An application for dog park users. Allows users to locate parks in their vicinity, view their details, see logged in users who have checked in to a park, and user information.

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • Clone the repository
  • Create a google maps api key
  • Add the api key as an environment variable export MAPS_KEY="YOUR_API_KEY"
  • Run the command 'gradle run'
  • Open browser and go to localhost:4567

Database creation.

  • From the terminal psql < leash.sql

If the above does not work, use these commands to create the DB tables.

  • \c leash;
  • CREATE TABLE parks (id serial PRIMARY KEY, name varchar, location varchar, size varchar, fenced boolean, small boolean, upVote int, downVote int, lat double precision, lng double precision);
  • CREATE TABLE users (id serial PRIMARY KEY, name varchar, username varchar, password varchar, admin boolean);
  • CREATE TABLE dogs (id serial PRIMARY KEY, userId int, name varchar, gender varchar, altered boolean, breed varchar);
  • CREATE TABLE reviews (id serial PRIMARY KEY, userId int, parkId int, title varchar, content varchar);
  • CREATE TABLE checkins (id serial PRIMARY KEY, userId int, parkId int, checkin timestamp, checkout timestamp);
  • CREATE TABLE votes (id serial PRIMARY KEY, userId int, parkId int, direction varchar);


Copyright (c) 2017 Janek Brandt, Chris Finney, Jahan Walsh and Grace Stuart

This software is licensed under the MIT license.