
Language server for the Manchester Syntax of the semantic web language Owl 2

Primary LanguageRust

owl-ms-language-server: Owl 2 Manchester Syntax Language Server

An incremental analysis assistant for writing ontologies with the OWL 2 Web Ontology Language | Manchester Syntax.

Getting Started

To use the language server you have to first install it and then integrate it into you editor. This differs for each editor. To install the owl-ms-language-server crate you currently have to use git and Cargo.

git clone https://github.com/janekx21/owl-ms-language-server --recurse-submodules
cd owl-ms-language-server 
cargo install --path .

This installs the langauge server into Cargos's local set of installed binary crates, likely located in $HOME/.cargo. Alternatifly you can use cargo build instead of cargo install --path . and handle the binary yourself.

Usage / Editor integration


Add the language server, language and grammar to your languages.toml.

command = "owl-ms-language-server"

name = "owl-ms"
injection-regex = "owl-ms"
scope = "text.omn"
file-types = ["omn"]
roots = []
language-servers = ["owl-ms-language-server"]
comment-token = "//"
indent = { tab-width = 4, unit = "    " }
grammar = "owl-ms" # this is the default

name = "owl-ms"
source = { git = "https://github.com/janekx21/tree-sitter-owl2-manchester-syntax", rev = "a55d6bdd3104cd64bfe7178395aa6a139b5632a9" } # replace rev with head of the repository

Then fetch and build the grammar.

helix --grammar fetch
helix --grammar build

See the helix documentation page on adding languages.

Vim/Neovim with coc.nvim

Merge this setting into your coc-settings.json (open with :CocConfig).

  "languageserver": {
    "owl-ms": {
      "command": "owl-ms-language-server",
      "filetypes": ["omn"],
      "rootPatterns":  []

See the example config for testing.



  • diagnostic (only syntax)
  • goto_definition
    • class_iri
  • hover
    • class_iri
    • class_frame
  • inlay_hint
    • class_iri
    • datatype
    • class
    • object property
    • data property
    • annotation property
    • individual
  • goto_definition
    • class_iri
    • annotation_property_iri
    • object_property_iri
    • data_property_iri
    • individual_iri
    • datatype_iri
      • es lag daran, dass in der grammar datatype nicht hidden war
  • completion
    • some keywords work
    • iris // just simple



  • full replace
  • hover
    • other frame types
    • keywords
    • others
  • document_symbol
  • code_action (all kinds of quick actions)
  • rename
  • references (shows all referenced locations)

Not planned

  • test https://www.ebi.ac.uk/chebi/downloadsForward.do

  • goto_declaration

  • goto_type_definition

  • goto_implementation

  • incoming_calls

  • outgoing_calls

  • supertypes

  • subtypes

  • document_highlight (highlights text that corresponds to text under the cursor)

  • document_link (all links in a document)

  • document_link_resolve (how to resolve a link)

  • code_lens

  • folding_range

  • selection_range

  • semantic_tokens

  • inline_value

  • moniker

  • workspace_diagnostic

  • signature_help

  • document_color

  • color_presentation

  • formatting

  • on_type_formatting

  • linked_editing_range (ranges that have the same content)

  • symbol (project-wide symbol search)

Possible implamentation vectors

  • iri types

    • class_iri
    • datatype_iri
    • annotation_property_iri
    • ontology_iri
    • data_property_iri
    • version_iri
    • object_property_iri
    • annotation_property_iri_annotated_list
    • individual_iri
  • frames

    • datatype
    • class
    • object property
    • data property
    • annotation property
    • individual
    • misc

Interesting stuff

  • When you apply a text edit you should not re generate the cache for each edit.
  • What could be paralell
  • what to cache and what to query
  • steps that accour when a document changes with edits