
A toy example for Pub/Sub communication, with unified API for Kafka and Google Pub/Sub message brookers. Communication happens between 3 applications: (1) an app that queries predicton requests, (2) a simple classification model, and (3) a prediction reading app.

Primary LanguagePython


A toyexample for Pub/Sub communication, using Kafka Broker, between: an input query app, a simple classification model, and a prediction reading app.


  • Classifier (Part A)
    • Python (3.+), Tensorflow, Numpy, json, argparse, matplotlib
  • PubSub_API (Part B)
    • Java JDK 11+, confluent_kafka, google.cloud.pubsub_v1, Numpy
  • ML_system (Part C)
    • all of the above

Download this repository to a directory called Vector.ai.

Classifier (Part A)

How to use

cd to Classifier/ and from the command line run:
python main.py - to train and evaluate model
or python main.py --dont-train - to just evaluate on most recently saved model.


This directory contains scripts and classes needed to train, evaluate, and use a simple Classifier model. This is a minimal example of how i build, test, and validate my machine learning models. The structure is as follows:
├── Model.py
├── DataLoader.py
├── Evaluate.py
├── Test.py
├── main.py
├── Saved
│ ├── Figures
│ ├── History
│ ├── Predictions
└── ├── Models \

  • main.py is a script which can be run from the command line to train or evaluate models (by specyfing appropriate flags).
  • Model.py contains Model classes, which can by used interchangably. Each Model class, such as LeNet, extends tf.keras.Model
  • DataLoader.py is a class responsible for downloading and loading data from 'tensorflow_datasets'. Because Fashion MNIST and most of other datasets in 'tensorflow_datasets' are small, I didn't create a generator, but just load data in memory (for simplicity).
  • Evaluate.py has a class Evaluate(model, data) responsible for evaluation. Curently i implemented the following functions: (1) predict, (2) get/plot_per_class_accuracy() - for logging and visualising train and test performance per each class of a given model, (3) plot_train_and_test_accuracy_evolution() - to inspect how our accuracy changes over epochs.
  • Test.py where I would write (reusable) unit tests to proof that functionality of each modle submodule works as intended.
  • Saved is a directory where i save visualisations, logs, and models.

For bigger projects:

Whenever I work on more complex projects than classifying Fashion MNIST images, I would add additional modules to the structure above, such as: metrics and visualisation callbacks. The point of this modularity is to have reusable blocks, which i can leverage, to automate running of new experiments and validating ideas. For problems which require model to train longer, I would implement visualisation callbacks which evaluate internal states of the model or do some visualisations every N epochs, this gives me more insight into whats going on inside of the model. For longer projects I would also setup experiment pipeline, where I log every experiment ran into a separete directory, such that I can keep track of the progress and decisions I made during my research.

Data Loader

To load data you need to first instantiate DataLoader object. Then you can call data.load_TF_data('fashion_mnist') or data.load_data_from_file(file_name) to update internal states of the object self.train_ds and self.test_ds. This are dictionaries and to acces input and outputs ndarrays you need to call self.train_ds['image'] or self.train_ds['label'].

Modyfing dataset:

You can easily load a different dataset from tensorflow_dataset by modifying argument in a method call data.load_TF_data('fashion_mnist') to a different dataset name than 'fashion_mnist' (for list of avilable names see (https://www.tensorflow.org/datasets/catalog/overview) ).
If you want to load your own dataset from a local file and it is a dict {'image': ..., 'label': ...} saved in .npz file format then within a main.py use data.train_ds = data.load_data_from_file(file_name_train) and data.train_ds = data.load_data_from_file(file_name_test) instead.

PubSub_API (Part 2)

How to use

First, you need to setup a Brooker server
You can do it on your local machine by following the instructions in this quickstart tutorial: (https://kafka.apache.org/quickstart)
Once you have the Kafka Zookeeper and a Broker server running, you can move to the next section.

Test API functionality
Assuming you set your --bootstrap-server to localhost:9092 inthe previous step then you don't need to modify anything in the PubSub_API/ script. Otherwise change SERVER_IP in configs to your host:port.

T demonstrate functionality of the API run in seperate terminals (from within PubSub_API/ dir): python main_producer.py/ which writes integers from 1 to 100 every 3 seconds to topic 'test_A' and python main_consumer.py/ which reads from that topic.

ML_system (Part 3)

Here we have a toy example of a real life system. There are 3 applications:

  • prediction_query_app.py which simulates an application that senses/feeds input from the wild to the Brooker topic prediction_request
  • classifier_model_app.py reads from prediction_request topic, does some processing (that is it uses the classifier model to make a prediction) and then it writes this prediction to a prediction_output topic.
  • prediction_consumer_app reads from prediction_output topic and prints to a command line.

To run this example, you need to first setup Zookeerper and Broker server as instructed in PubSub_API section above, and then call each app script mentioned above in seperate terminals i.e. python prediction_query_app.py.