Quantitative Evaluation of Embedding Vectors for Scientific Papers


This repository is dedicated to the quantitative evaluation of embedding vectors' ability to represent the semantics of scientific papers in the field of Machine Learning, using the Doris-Mae dataset. Establishing a well-grounded evaluation framework is crucial for the development of machine learning-enabled applications. This codebase guides the development of embedding vectors for information retrieval in my other projects.


The dataset was sourced from a paper by Wang et. al., which shares a dataset for performance evaluation of document retrieval systems. Their work aligns closely with my research project aimed at building an AI search engine for machine learning papers.


The objective was to identify which textual-embedding-vector model is most suitable for information retrieval from scientific papers in the field of ML. The models BAAI/bge-base-en-v1.5 and BAAI/bge-large-en-v1.5 were tested against the OpenAI Ada model and a random ranking baseline.

Model R@5 R@20 RP NDCG exp 10% MRR@10 MAP
Random 4.60 18.53 16.41 7.12 3.37 19.67
Ada 15.38 42.84 35.81 27.46 19.88 40.37
BAAI/bge-base-en-v1.5 18.40 44.26 37.99 27.84 17.87 42.19
BAAI/bge-large-en-v1.5 17.36 47.24 37.34 27.44 14.99 41.23


Running large embedding vector models is resource-intensive, requiring embedding of hundreds of thousands of documents. Utilizing a GPU can significantly speed up the process. Resources for accessing GPU-equipped Virtual Machines include:

For my experiments, I utilized Google Cloud and created a virtual machine from this pre-configured image, which includes Python and CUDA drivers.

Code Structure

  • main.py - The main script for launching and orchestrating other components.
  • embedding_store.py - Manages data ingestion (e.g., from JSON, CSV, or PDF), embedding text into vectors, setting up FAISS vector store, and retrieval functionality.
  • evaluation/evaluate.py - Orchestrates the evaluation of models, loading & running models, and printing metrics to the command line.