Code to segment and analyze COSEM predictions. Requires Maven, Java JDK 8, and Apache-Spark.
Clone the repository and cd to the repository directory.
Command line
- Run
mvn compile
. - Once completed, you can run
mvn package -Dmaven.test.skip=true
,the latter argument for skipping unit tests. However, if you plan on modifying the code and/or would like to run tests, we recommend the following:
mvn package -Dspark.master=local[*] -DargLine="-Xmx100g"
.The latter arguments are to ensure local spark is used for testing with enough memory.
Use an IDE such as Eclipse IDE
- In Eclipse IDE, select File->Import->Existing Maven project and select the "cosem-segmentation-analysis" directory.
- Right click on
in the project explorer and selectRun As
->Maven Build
, clickSkip Tests
checkbox if desired, and clickRun
. However, if you plan on modifying the code and/or would like to run tests, first create we recommend the following: After selectingMaven Build
as above, add the following parameter names and values:spark.master
, and click run.
You will now have a compiled jar file located at /path/to/cosem-segmentation-analysis/target/cosem-segmentation-analysis-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
To run one of the refinements, eg. locally run SparkConnectedComponents, you can do the following:
/path/to/spark-submit --master local[*] --conf "spark.executor.memory=100g" --conf "spark.driver.memory=100g" \
--class org.janelia.cosem.analysis.SparkConnectedComponents \
/path/to/compiled/target/cosem-segmentation-analysis-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar \
--inputN5Path '/path/to/input.n5' \
--outputN5Path '/path/to/output.n5' \
--inputN5DatasetName 'datasetName' \
--minimumVolumeCutoff '300E3' \
--thresholdIntensityCutoff 127 \
--outputN5DatasetSuffix '_cc'
Which will take the uint8 image /path/to/input.n5/datsetName
, threshold at 127
, perform connected component analysis on the thresholded data applying a minimum volume cutoff of 300E3 nm^3
and writes the results to /path/to/output.n5/datsetName_cc
To run another analysis, replace SparkConnectedComponents
with the appropriate name (see a list here) and modify/add the requisite command line arguments.