
This program converts a .n5 file into a .zarr file with ome-ngff multiscale metadata .zattrs file

Primary LanguagePython

This script could be used for conversion of an .n5 file to .zarr format with OME-NGFF multiscales metadata structure.

How to run

  1. open command line terminal
  2. install poetry tool for dependency management and packaging: https://pypi.org/project/poetry/
  3. switch to the n5_to_zarr directory: cd PATH_TO_DIRECTORY/n5_to_zarr/
  4. install python dependencies: poetry install
  5. run script using cli (for lsf cluster): bsub -n 10 -J n5tozarr -o LOG_FILE_PATH 'umask 002; poetry run python src/n5_to_zarr.py "PATH_TO_SOURCE_DIRECTORY/input_file.n5" "PATH_TO_DEST_DIRECTORY/output_file.zarr" --cluster=lsf/local --num_workers=300'; num_workers and cluster parameters are optional.