Programming Portfolio Example

Adventure Game


A game that demonstrates object-oriented programming principles inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism. C# Adventure Game

Study Application

A Study Application that reads in terms and definitions from an external file (or files).

Explorable Areas

A command-line application with areas to explore and items for the player to find in each area. Before you can travel to the lake for snorkeling, the equipment must be found in one of the other areas. Explorable Areas

Underwater Creatures

Underwater Creatures demonstrates inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation.


An application that lets a player create a custom insect character: Adopt-An-Insect

Shift Cipher

Shift Cipher is an application that encodes and decodes using a simple substitution cipher.

Trivia Game

Trivia Application

Code examples can be shown like this:

private void Play()
            foreach (TriviaItem triviaItem in Questions)
                string input = ReadLine();
                if (triviaItem.CheckAnswer(input))

For more details see GitHub Flavored Markdown.

Introduction to Programming Class Examples

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Programming is Fun

Programming @ CCC