
This is the code for a social media site called codeial, an acronym for code+social. With codeial a user can sign-in/sign-up using Gmail , a user can add friends, can create posts and can add likes and comments on other user's posts.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is the code for a social media site called codeial, an acronym for code+social. With codeial a user can Sign In/Up with his username as well as Google-oath2 strategy, a user can add friends, can create posts and can add likes and comments on other user's posts , forgot password feature is also added. A user can also chat with other users, which are on his friend's lists. A Chatting engine is made with socket.io. All records of a user, user id, posts, comments are being recorded in a Database. MongoDB is used as Database.

Screenshots: image image

Technology stack :

  • HTML,CSS,Javascript,jQuery,Ajax,Sass
  • Node.js,MongoDB,Express.js

Insights :

  • passport-jwt strategy for authentication and authorization.
  • passport-google-oauth2 strategy for social authentication through google.
  • used Nodemailer to send out emails.
  • used socket.io for implementing chat engine.

How to Install :

  • Clone the project onto your local machine.
  • Then cd codeial
  • npm install
  • npm start
  • Visit your app at http://localhost:8000.