/ ------------------------------- IMPORTANT -----------------------------------/
Anytime you would have used "npm", you now use 'yarn' instead.
To preview the project, you can run 'yarn dev'.
/ --------------------------------- TODOS --------------------------------------/
- Persist states for tab
- Be able to add and delete tabs
- Be able to delete tasks
/ --------------------------------- NOTE TO TEAM --------------------------------------/
Git tips: to push your local branch to a remote branch that it's not tracking (say currentState for instance), use git push origin your_updated_branch_name:currentState
/--------------------------------- THE TREE -----------------------------------/
THE TREE... (structure of the html elements)
(Electron Window)
--> App (this is where the reference to the model obj gets made and lives)
--> Frame (this is where the visible layout begins)
--> Task List (the list of tasks along the left side)
--> TaskDisplay (this loads the information about the currently selected task)
--> TabList (the list of tabs associated with that task)
--> TabDisplay (this is the display for whichever tab has been clicked)
-> (whatever tab gets clicked. Ex. <Calendar />, <Journal />, etc.)
To render your component for debuggging/testing (see ExTab for an example component) you can go into TabDisplay (the
componend and replace <ExTab /> with your component (and pass it any dummy data you will need).
/---------------------------------- MODEL ------------------------------------/
The Model manages the interactions between components (mostly tabs) and all the data for the app (list of all
tasks ('taskList' list of all task titles, paired with their 'key' ('titlesKeyPairs')), and the most recently clicked
task ('currentTask')). It handles updates to the data (add, edit, remove) in response to actions (clicks, form
entries, etc.) that occur from anywhere in the app.
What I think 'tasks' are:
task = {
title: "<what is it called?>",
key: <unique numeric identifier, related to the index when it is first read from the DB>,
attrs: { < general information, ie. notification level, settings, etc. > },
tabs: { < all information that the tabs need or have saved goes here > }
Components and the model:
Basically, I don't think they should interact directly with the model, I think it is easier to test and manage
if the components (tabs) get passed the single function that they need from the Model ('registerFinalState()'),
rather than a reference to the entire thing.
-> The TabDisplay component (who's role is rendering tabs based on tab clicks) that renders your component
will pass in all the data from the currently selected task that has to do with your component, along with that
task's 'key' property (a unique numeric identifier), and a reference to the Model's 'registerFinalState()'
-> I think you should handle actions locally, meaning if a user wants to edit a journal entry, then record
those changes in your local copy of the Journal info for the currently selected task in your component's 'state'.
Then in your component's 'componentWillUnmount()' method, pass the final version of that state, with all of its
accumulated changes (or no changes if nothing changed) back to the Model, and it will update the appropriate task
(via the Model's recordFinalState("<component's name>", this.state, key), which will be passed as a function into
your component (again, through the 'props' argument in the constructor)). (the functional version of the
this.setState() method will come in handy, as if you use it, React will automatically re-render your component
with the appropriately updated state).
*** I'll update ExTab to try and illustrate what I mean ***
*** if you think this is bonkers, slack me, I am happy to make changes to try and make it easier :) ***
*** For now, just pretend that you have access to all of the data from the currentTask that has to do with
your individual component, passed in through the 'props' argument in the constructor. ***
/------------------------------- OTHER STUFF? -------------------------------/
dependencies.... 'react-chartjs-2' 'react-big-calendar' 'electron-store' font-awesome