
Redis client for Async applications

Primary LanguageOCamlMIT LicenseMIT

Redis Async

A Redis client library for OCaml Async applications. Provides a strongly-typed API with transparent (de)serialization for application-defined types. Includes support for client tracking.

Compatible with Redis versions 6 and higher. Internally, implements the RESP3 protocol.

Example Usage

Here are a few basic examples. Please see the included tests for additional detail and features.


Redis natively works with plain strings for many commands. Users of other Redis clients will be most familiar this style of interaction.

open Core
open Async
open Deferred.Or_error.Let_syntax

module Redis = Redis.Make (Redis.Bulk_io.String) (Redis.Bulk_io.String) in
let%bind redis =
         (Host_and_port.create ~host:"localhost" ~port:6379))
let%map reply = Redis.echo redis "Hello, world!" in
print_endline reply


Application-defined types can be used directly as Redis keys and values. Convenience functors that implement the required (de)serialization for Stringable and Binable types are provided.

open Core
open Async
open Deferred.Or_error.Let_syntax

module Key = struct
  module T = struct
    type t = { name : string }

    let to_string { name } = name
    let of_string name = { name }

  include T
  include Redis.Bulk_io.Make_stringable (T)

module Value = struct
  module T = struct
    type t =
      { color  : string
      ; number : int
    [@@deriving bin_io, sexp]

  include T
  include Redis.Bulk_io.Make_binable (T)

module Redis = Redis.Make (Key) (Value) in
let%bind redis =
         (Host_and_port.create ~host:"localhost" ~port:6379))
let key   = { Key.name    = "Jane"              } in
let value = { Value.color = "blue"; number = 42 } in
let%bind ()    = Redis.set redis key value in
let%map  value = Redis.get redis key       in
print_s ([%sexp_of: Value.t option] value)