
OCaml bindings for the Neovim API

Primary LanguageOCamlMIT LicenseMIT


VCaml is a library for building Neovim plugins in OCaml. Here's an overview of the directory structure:

|-- src     -- The `vcaml` library: typed primitives for interacting with Neovim.
|-- plugin  -- The `vcaml.plugin` library: high-level wrappers for common use-cases.
|              For usage examples, see the "example" and "templates" subdirectories.
|-- test    -- Tests of VCaml. The `vcaml.test.helpers` library has functions that make
|              testing VCaml plugins easy.
`-- debug   -- The `vcaml.debug` library: meant to be used from an OCaml top-level to
               manually step through an interaction with a Neovim instance. Also includes
               a binary for logging communication between a plugin and Neovim.

The vcaml.plugin library

This library provides helpers for two common types of plugins: "oneshot" plugins that model a single call from Neovim to OCaml, and "persistent" plugins that remain alive in the background and field RPC requests. Most of the time you will want to use this library instead of creating a Vcaml.Client.t manually.

The vcaml library

The entrypoint to this library is vcaml.mli. For calling Neovim API functions, you should look at the following modules:

  • Buffer - Functions for interacting with buffers
  • Window - Functions for interacting with windows
  • Tabpage - Functions for interacting with tabs
  • Keymap - Functions for interacting with key mappings
  • Command - Functions for interacting with commands
  • Autocmd - Functions for interacting with auto-commands (logic that runs on events)
  • Ui - Functions for attaching and detaching a UI
  • Nvim - Miscellaneous functions for interacting with Neovim

In general, the API function nvim_buf_foo will be Buffer.foo; nvim_foo will be Nvim.foo. In some cases functions are renamed or exported differently for clarity. If you are struggling to determine how a function documented in the API is exported in VCaml, you can grep VCaml for the function name, which will appear in the implementation of whichever function(s) export(s) it.

To call Neovim atomically, use Vcaml.block_nvim. Neovim will remain blocked for the duration of the callback, and only commands used with the Client.t provided to the callback will be privileged to run during that time.

To model calls from Neovim to OCaml made with rpcrequest and rpcnotify, see the Ocaml_from_nvim module. If you are using vcaml.plugin, you will not need to call the registration functions yourself.

If you are not using vcaml.plugin, you should use vcaml by first creating a Client.t, then register RPCs you want available with the registration functions in Ocaml_from_nvim, then calling Client.attach, and finally calling Client.close when you are finished with the plugin (or call exit to shut down the program).

Testing with the vcaml.test.helpers library

The vcaml.test.helpers library has useful helper functions for writing VCaml expect tests. They take care of spawning an embedded Neovim instance during the test so you can just write logic with a connected VCaml client. See the plugin tests in plugin/example for example usage.

Additional debugging tools

Debugging Process Communication

In the ./debug/bin directory there is a binary for debugging interaction between two Msgpack RPC peers. It has modes for debugging communication both over stdio and over unix domain sockets. See the CLI help for usage information.

Manual RPC Interaction (REPL)

If you want to experiment with Neovim's semantics, it's often more effective to construct and send RPC messages manually. If you don't need any code for your experiment, you can just do this with two vim instances. Get the server name from the target vim instance by running :echo v:servername (you can also do :let @+ = v:servername to copy the name directly into your clipboard). Then in the instance you're using for debugging, run let socket = sockconnect("pipe", "servername", { "rpc": 1 }) where "servername" is the servername you copied. Now just use rpcrequest and rpcnotify with that socket.

You can also manually drive Neovim from the OCaml top-level using the vcaml.debug library. Build the top-level for vcaml.debug and follow along below. For socket, use the servername copied from Neovim.

# module V = Vcaml_debug.Toplevel_client
module V = Vcaml_debug.Toplevel_client
# #install_printer V.pp
# let nvim = V.open_ socket
val nvim : V.t = <abstr>
# V.verbose nvim true
- : unit = ()
# V.request nvim "nvim_exec2" [ String "echo 'hi'"; Map [] ]
OCaml -> Nvim:
[ 0, 2, "nvim_exec2", [ "echo 'hi'", {} ] ]
- : unit = ()

If you are following these steps manually with a running Neovim instance, at this point you should see "hi" echoed in Neovim. To interpret the messages that are being sent and received, see https://github.com/msgpack-rpc/msgpack-rpc/blob/master/spec.md. The reason the request ID begins at 2 is that vcaml.debug always sends an initial request for the channel.

# V.receive nvim
Nvim -> OCaml: [ 1, 2, nil, {} ]
- : [ `Connection_closed | `Message of Msgpack.t | `Waiting_for_neovim ] =
`Message [ 1, 2, nil, {} ]
# V.request nvim "nvim_exec2" [ String "quit"; Map [] ]
OCaml -> Nvim: [ 0, 3, "nvim_exec2", [ "quit", {} ] ]
- : unit = ()
# V.close nvim
- : unit = ()