
I Declare War Card Game

Primary LanguageJavaScript

I Declare War Card Game



Explanations of specific Technologies


I added a main wrapper for the grid. Inside the container are the divs for the grid. I used classes to be able to use JavaScript and CSS.


I used CSS to style the page. I used the grid to make boxes for the cards to sit in, and for the title and player identification.

I added box-shadow to the buttons to make them stand out, and on the card decks to make them seem more like a stack.

I made the page more responsive by using vw and vh to size elements.


I used JavaScript to put in the game logic. Using functions, arrays, and objects I was able to build a deck, shuffle it, and split it.

I used if else statements to review the cards and what to do next; and, used event listeners to created clickable buttons.

Approach Taken

I started by trying to break the project into smaller pieces.

  • Make a 52 card deck
  • Shuffle the deck
  • Split the deck into 26 cards.
  • Flip cards
  • Highest card wins
  • Add cards to winners deck (random positions)
  • When tie pull 4 cards from deck flip top card winner takes all cards
  • Add cards to winners deck (random positions)
  • Play until one player runs out of cards

Unsolved Problems

  • Add pause to see each tie
  • Add flip animation

Link to Hosted Site


Installation Instructions

No installation needed


  1. Click "PLAY" to flip cards
  2. Higher card wins
  3. Continue to click "PLAY" until there is a tie.
  4. Incase of tie click "I Declare War!!!" button
  5. 4 cards per tie will be added to winners stack
  6. Repeat until one player runs out of cards
  7. To play again click "RESET"