
Literature for Human-AI collaboration, Hybrid Intelligence, Human-AI interaction

Human-AI Co-Learning

Human-AI Interaction vs Human-AI Co-Learning

Three Key Concepts of Human-AI Co-Learning

  • Mutual Understanding: Human and AI are developing common knowledge (i.e., a shared mental model) through an iterative, interactive process.

  • Mutual Benefits: Human and AI as a team achieves superior results that a single human or AI cannot achieve alone.

  • Mutual Growth: Human and AI both have a growth mindset —i.e. they learn together, learn from each other, learn with each other, and grow and evolve over time.

AI sucess vs AI failure

Human-AI Collaboration

Literature for Human-AI collaboration, Hybrid Intelligence, Human-AI interaction

Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence

Interactive Machine Learning

  • Power to the People: The Role of Humans in Interactive Machine Learning (AI Magine 2014)

Hybrid Intelligence

Collective Intelligence / Crowdsourcing

Machine Teaching

Agency vs Automation

  • Man-Computer Symbiosis (Licklider, 1960)
  • Direct Manipulation vs. Interface Agents (1997)
  • Principles of Mixed-Initiative User Interfaces (Horvitz, 1999)
  • Agency plus automation: Designing artificial intelligence into interactive systems (Heer, 2019)

Human-AI Interaction


Intelligibility, Explainability, Explainable AI

FATE: Fairness, Accountability, Transparency, and Ethics in AI

Human-AI Team

Human-in-the-loop vs Machine-in-the-loop (or AI-in-the-loop)

Human-in-the-loop around AI

Machine-in-the-loop around Humans

  • [Creative writing with a machine in the loop: Case studies on slogans and stories](IUI 2018)

Applications for Human-AI Co-Learning



Creativity (Drawing, Music, etc)


Conversational Agents

Teaching & Learning




Workshops & Tutorials

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